Favor of Your Enemies
feels hatred for another; fosters harmful designs against; engages in antagonistic activities against another. In the next three paragraphs I will show how I obtained Favor of My Enemies.
go and asked for Moses and Aaron to bless him as well. My coworkers and superiors being to feel a hatred towards me and any little thing that I did was magnified. I pressed forward because I knew that I would have the Favor of My Enemies.
ready to go to the promise land by packing up things they will need because during this time they still offered sacrifices to God. As my employers fosters harmful designs against me they were helping me and did not know it. Favor of Your Enemies.
my employers continued to engage in antagonistic activities against me I was getting business contacts and having a blog written about me by a HR representative of a company in the building that was used by another company as a training video and has opened many doors for me in the future. Favor of Your Enemies.
In closing despite what some may tell you, do to you or try to prevent you from doing, being a child of God it only gets you ready for favor. You can be successful in doing movies or theater. You can begin a social media site free of obscene videos. You can start a family outreach center in the community. You can get involved in the education of children. You can run for government office and begin to change some of the laws that seem unfair. You can begin the process of opening that faith based business. You can begin to be a change agent on how some things that are religious need to be looked at differently. Yes you may have people hate you, foster harmful designs against you or
engages in antagonistic activities against you, but it is the beginning of Favor of Your Enemies. I thank God and give him all the glory and honor for this teaching. I ask him to bless all who may read this teaching. Please join me Monday for my final teaching in the month of Favor in September called Increase in Favor based on Luke 2:51-52. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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