God Has The Whole World In His Hands
Good morning and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of Going Global in July based on Psalms 50:10-12, Mark 16:15-18 and 1st John 4:4-6 I want you to get into a expectancy mode. There is a abundant need for the people of faith to venture into the global market. There are so many things all over the world that is lacking. Globally there is a need for spoken word and plays that are faith based. Globally they are seeking God but not religion. Globally there are looking for ways to strengthen families. Globally people want to be educated in all ways. Globally there are seeking guidance and assistance in government. Most of all people all over the world are looking for businesses to come in and provide the wants and needs they have not been having. We as believers of God can come into these markets and bring not only the financial gain to ourselves but most importantly bring the message of God Has The Whole World in His Hands.
See there is almost a disbelief not only in this nation of America but all over the world that there could be one God. The Greeks practiced mythology that had many gods. There a those who believe in many other deities
that will provide for them. But we have not only the Word of God that proves our God is the one and only but the actions that he has shown all who believe in him. It is time to take this thing global for he has The Whole World In His Hands. This teaching will be coming from the first base scripture which is Psalms 50:10-12.
As we get into the teaching of God has the Whole World In His Hands I go to the Word of God and Psalms 50:10. In this passage God is speaking through the writer and telling him that all beast and cattle our his. God
is not just God for the United States he is wanting people all over the world to know that he will provide for all and grant favor to those who trust in him. God Has the Whole World In His Hands.
As we continue the teaching of God Has the Whole World in His Hands I continue in the Word of God and Psalms 50:11. In this passage God continues to tell us that all birds and wild beast are also known to him.
God is already in these places that we are called to go into and change but we have to say that we are going and place our faith that all will be well. God Has the Whole World in His Hands.
In looking in the Word of God at how God Has the Whole World In His Hands I continue in Psalms 50:12. In this passage God tells us that he has no need to ask us for anything because he can satisfy his own hunger
because not only the world is His, but all that dwell within the world. That is so powerful because he could do things own his own but he allows us to be ourselves and come to him on our own. He Has the Whole World in His Hands.
In closing those who love God know the awesome things he can and has done for us. But there are emerging places that hunger for the Word of God and need to know how they are able to be in the position they are in. How God can change things from bad to worst. How he can move mountains. How he can stop the violence of those who wish to harm his people. God Has the Whole World in His Hands and I for one am thankful for that. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask God to continue to provide love and protection for all. He Has The Whole World in His Hands. Have a great weekend. Please join me on Monday for my final teaching of the month of Going Global in July as we use the last base scripture, 1st John 4:4-6, to teach on the subject called Greater Than. Have a great weekend all.
that will provide for them. But we have not only the Word of God that proves our God is the one and only but the actions that he has shown all who believe in him. It is time to take this thing global for he has The Whole World In His Hands. This teaching will be coming from the first base scripture which is Psalms 50:10-12.
is not just God for the United States he is wanting people all over the world to know that he will provide for all and grant favor to those who trust in him. God Has the Whole World In His Hands.
God is already in these places that we are called to go into and change but we have to say that we are going and place our faith that all will be well. God Has the Whole World in His Hands.
because not only the world is His, but all that dwell within the world. That is so powerful because he could do things own his own but he allows us to be ourselves and come to him on our own. He Has the Whole World in His Hands.
In closing those who love God know the awesome things he can and has done for us. But there are emerging places that hunger for the Word of God and need to know how they are able to be in the position they are in. How God can change things from bad to worst. How he can move mountains. How he can stop the violence of those who wish to harm his people. God Has the Whole World in His Hands and I for one am thankful for that. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask God to continue to provide love and protection for all. He Has The Whole World in His Hands. Have a great weekend. Please join me on Monday for my final teaching of the month of Going Global in July as we use the last base scripture, 1st John 4:4-6, to teach on the subject called Greater Than. Have a great weekend all.
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