Let's Play House

Good morning and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of Going Global in July based and Psalms 50:10-12, Mark 16:15-18 and 1st John 4:4-6 once a month I have a teaching that does not deal with the theme of the month. So this month I go back to my childhood and some of the games that we used to play back then. There was a game called It that you chased others in a attempt tag them before they were able to get to a designated point so they could become It and then have to do the chasing. Then there was Hide and Seek which consisted of you and others hiding and one or more people seeking where that person hid. There was one more game that we played as well when I was younger and that is Let's Play House. In this game there were only two people, a boy and girl, and they would pretend to be a married couple. In the eyes of God we were not though. Many of us are now playing the grown up version of the game, Let's Play House.
In the game of Let's Play House as we played in our youth there were things set us for that helped us become a instant family. Most times the girls had baby dolls so there would be an instant family there for the
game to become more real. But playing house was not real because when we wanted to leave there was nothing there to bind us legally to being together forever for it was a game. As I said many of us are still playing house and it is contrary to what the Word of God has to say.
In this teaching of Let's Play House I go in the Word of God I go to Genesis 2:22-25. In this passage God has given Adam someone to share his life with, Eve. Once married they are not only unified but not ashamed
of being naked. Marriage makes you as one. When we are playing house there times when things go well but in unity there is strength. When we make up our rules we justify the game of Let's Play House but that is not in the Word.
In continuing this teaching of Let's Play House I go to the Word of God go to Proverbs 18:22. This verse says that finding a wife is a good thing and God looks favorably on this. This is undeniable. So the game of
Let's Play House is not something that is pleasing in the eyes of God. We have gotten to the point that we want to do what we want to do justify in our minds. But there is nothing better than God's favor.
In looking at the last example in the teaching of Let's Play House I go in the Word of God and to Hebrews 13:4. This verse tells us how honorable marriage is. But as we continue to want to Play House we are doing
not things that will get us to heaven and will be judged by God. We as people of faith must be honorable and look to the solidify our relationships and hold them sacred. Let's Stop Playing House.
In closing marriage is not something that we should look forward to. In Matthew 19:6 it speaks of how marriage joins together man and wife. In Ephesians 5:22-33 it tells of marriage that succeeds with Jesus as the head of our lives. and in 1st Corinthians 7:1-4 it tells of how living in a society of sexual immorality that we should hold the institution of marriage in high regard. It makes a couple stronger in unity. It makes the family stronger in being stable. And it assures that Christ is the head of your life. Let's Play House. No that's ok. We are too mature for that. Let's Get Married. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and say a special prayer over the institution of marriage. Have a great weekend all and please join me for my teaching on Monday called The World Is Ours based on the first base scripture of the month, Psalms 50:10-12.


  1. The truth stands up by itself!. It's supported by the Word of God!


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