March In Your Healing
Good evening and Happy Thursday. As we continue you in the Year of Healing based on Jeremiah 33:6-9 Matthew 9:6-8 and Acts 28:7-9 and the month of March In based on Joshua 3:7-10 and Mark 11:7-10 I remember some years ago when I was drinking almost daily and smoking weed and cigarettes every day. I could always afford to do so because I had at least two jobs or a significant other to help me do so. Although I snorted cocaine at times and smoked joints laced with PCP ( called happy sticks ) my drug of choice was marijuana. I smoked so much that I had to buy the highest quality weed or I would not get high because I was burnt out ( smoked so much low quality weed would not get me high ). For over 30 something years I did this cycle over and over again. There had to be an end because my relationship with family was affected to the point of almost no return. I had to March In to My Healing.
I did not know how much it affected me because the drug was my best friend. I did not care about a relationship with women because the ones I was with knew what they were getting when they got me. I did not worry about my relationship with my
sons because my parents were taking care of that. I did not even consider my relationship with God as I only wanted to smoke that joint, sip on that drink and take a pull of of those cigarettes. I knew I had to one day but I never knew when I would March In My Healing.
In Luke 17:11-13 there were ten lepers who saw him coming. See leprosy was in a since a crime and they knew that Jesus could make a difference in their lives. See I was living the life of the ten lepers on the outskirts on being with my family, my
having a real relationship and of being in the protection of God. I know that the blood of Jesus heals all so I decided that since I know for a fact that I am not prospering something had to change. I had to March In My Healing.
In Luke 17:14-15 Jesus tells them to go to the earthly authorities as he already healed them as they continue on. At first there was ten but one returned. I had called on Jesus and then something remarkable happened. I woke up one day from another
weed addicted and drunken weekend and felt something like I never felt before. I felt a freedom as if some shackles had been unloosed from my life. I wondered if I was getting ready to March In My Healing.
In Luke 17:16-19 the one leper who returned gave thanks and was totally healed. He would not have to be on the outskirts of the town, he was now free. I was feeling like the Samaritan and I gave thanks to Jesus and was
able to come out from being afraid to be around my family, begin a meaningful relationship and come back into the bosom of God because I was now free of my addictions because I Marched Into My Healing.
I was free to see what God had for me to do to advance the kingdom. I was free to go family events because I did not feel like an outsider as my family did not do drugs or drink in excess. I am still building a relationship with my children. I am going back to school and already have certifications in Retail Management and am licensed to sell insurance in the state where I live as I attempt to get my Bachelors degree. I am mentioned in meetings of executives as going the extra mile. I am able to write blogs for myself and for Valley Kingdom Ministries International Sunday School wing called Rhema Word 2.0. I am a teacher of the Word of God. All this was possible because I Marched Into My Healing. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and I ask him to bless all who read this. Please join me Monday for my blog March In Preparation. Have the best weekend ever.
I did not know how much it affected me because the drug was my best friend. I did not care about a relationship with women because the ones I was with knew what they were getting when they got me. I did not worry about my relationship with my
sons because my parents were taking care of that. I did not even consider my relationship with God as I only wanted to smoke that joint, sip on that drink and take a pull of of those cigarettes. I knew I had to one day but I never knew when I would March In My Healing.
In Luke 17:11-13 there were ten lepers who saw him coming. See leprosy was in a since a crime and they knew that Jesus could make a difference in their lives. See I was living the life of the ten lepers on the outskirts on being with my family, my
having a real relationship and of being in the protection of God. I know that the blood of Jesus heals all so I decided that since I know for a fact that I am not prospering something had to change. I had to March In My Healing.
In Luke 17:14-15 Jesus tells them to go to the earthly authorities as he already healed them as they continue on. At first there was ten but one returned. I had called on Jesus and then something remarkable happened. I woke up one day from another
weed addicted and drunken weekend and felt something like I never felt before. I felt a freedom as if some shackles had been unloosed from my life. I wondered if I was getting ready to March In My Healing.
In Luke 17:16-19 the one leper who returned gave thanks and was totally healed. He would not have to be on the outskirts of the town, he was now free. I was feeling like the Samaritan and I gave thanks to Jesus and was
able to come out from being afraid to be around my family, begin a meaningful relationship and come back into the bosom of God because I was now free of my addictions because I Marched Into My Healing.
I was free to see what God had for me to do to advance the kingdom. I was free to go family events because I did not feel like an outsider as my family did not do drugs or drink in excess. I am still building a relationship with my children. I am going back to school and already have certifications in Retail Management and am licensed to sell insurance in the state where I live as I attempt to get my Bachelors degree. I am mentioned in meetings of executives as going the extra mile. I am able to write blogs for myself and for Valley Kingdom Ministries International Sunday School wing called Rhema Word 2.0. I am a teacher of the Word of God. All this was possible because I Marched Into My Healing. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and I ask him to bless all who read this. Please join me Monday for my blog March In Preparation. Have the best weekend ever.
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