March In Power

Good afternoon and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of March In based Joshua 3:7-10 and Mark 11:7-10. In American history there has always been a slow resistance to change. It is like once we think we should so do something differently or react in another way there is some that wants to keep things the same. In 1773 the locals who had been taxed for years go tired and started the Boston Tea Party and which was followed by the Revolutionary War. In the 1960's there were marches for freedom and equality that cultivated the March on Washington in 1963 ( when I was almost one years old ) and shortly after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. And in 2011 we had what was called the Occupy Now protest that showed the inequality of the wealth distribution in this company. Each of the examples I gave you had one things in common. All the people who protested came together as one. They Marched In Power.  Many times we come at problems or issues single handed when a group is needed. In corporate offices of America they have meetings and meetings and conference calls all day long to try gain market share, solve problems or just be proactive.
In tackling some of the issues and problems that are in the areas of arts and entertainment, business, religion, government, education. media and family there has to be more than a gang of one. We as people of faith must March In Power.
 In looking in the Word of God for an example of March In Power I go to Joshua 1:16-18 the people of Israel after spending so much time wanting to enter the land that was promised have finally gotten clearance not as one
but as a group. You may not be able to realize your play or movie project alone but need a group of people with maybe the same dreams. You may have a business with ideas that mesh with another person of faith and then both your dreams can be realized. March In Power.

In looking at another example in the Word of God March In Power I go Ezra 2:64-70. In this passage of scripture after Ezra has been given the command by King Cyrus who has been given instruction by God to let his people reclaim their land. Many of
of us are trying revive religion by doing things outside the walls of the church but most of us are doing it alone or just with our own religious organization. There are laws that the government does not feel needs to be changed because we are united to get them changed but divided on how to do it. There are ways our children could be better educated but we go at alone or a small group when more is needed. We need to March In Power.

In going to last example in the Word of God of March In Power I go to Matthew 4:23-25. In this passage Jesus is beginning to begin his ministry of what God has sent him to do. He has healed and done so many things multitudes are
following him. Many of us including myself attempt to do change things in social media alone when a group of many can make a bigger and better change. Then there is the area of family where small groups are doing the best they can but will not join together to become a larger more committed group.
In closing we could do so many great things if we join together. I liken it to when a corporate fast is called but not all members take part. The things that the church may be asking for or looking to achieve may fail because every one want to do their own things instead of coming together as one. And when change or what we expect from God does not happen we wonder why it did not. As a individual we can change a few things. As a group we can change some things. As a large contingent we can change all things. It can happen. The Boston Tea Party, the March on Washington and Occupy Now are examples of that. We can March In Power and change the world because we have the power of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. May God bless all those who read this blog and I give him all the glory and honor for this teaching. Have a great weekend. Happy birthday to sister Lisa. May she rest in piece.


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