March In Proof.
Good morning and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of March In based on Joshua 3:7-10 and Mark 11:7-10 as I was growing up I was told a lot of things that I could not believe but without no proof otherwise I had to take a person on their word. I knew that there was a Santa Claus because the proof was the presents left under the Christmas tree each year. I knew for sure there was a Easter Bunny because of the eggs left in the yard each year. I believed in the tooth fairy as money was left under my pillow each time a tooth was lost. As a child when you are told things and see the benefits of the things you believe in you walk in the proof that these things are true. As I came into my teens these things that I thought were true turned out to be true at all. So for me to trust things and have unlimited faith in things I have to one proof for sure. I have to be able to March In Proof.
As I do often I will define the word proof and will be going to my source of definitions which is The word proof means as follows; evidence sufficient to establish a thing; the act of testing,
an arithmetical operation serving to check the correctness of a calculation. In my life I had to have proof of evidence sufficient to establish a thing. I also had to have proof by the act of testing. And then I had to have proof with doing a arithmetical operation to check the correctness of a calculation. I had to March In Proof.
In looking in the Word of God to begin a March In Proof I go John 20:1-10. In this passage Mary is has come to the tomb and saw that Jesus has risen. But seeing it with her own eyes was not evidence sufficient to
establish this was true so she had Peter and the disciple that Jesus loved, John come to see the proof. I have come from a life that was nothing nice and the proof I used to operate in was 100 proof vodka but now I March In Proof that Jesus is has risen.
but the angels come to comfort and as act of testing Jesus spoke to her to see if she would recognize his voice. There were times that I thought I had lost the love of my life but it was an act of testing me to see if I knew Jesus was still in my life. I had to March In Proof.
In looking at one last time in the Word of God of March In Proof I go to John 20 verses 24-29. In this passage Thomas who has seen Jesus do things that no other could do because he was the Son of God needs an
arithmetical operation serving to check the correctness of a calculation and needs to place his hands in the holes in his hand to believe. When my income was $50.00 per month I knew that Jesus was there calculating for me so I would make is thus far. March In Proof.
As I do often I will define the word proof and will be going to my source of definitions which is The word proof means as follows; evidence sufficient to establish a thing; the act of testing,
an arithmetical operation serving to check the correctness of a calculation. In my life I had to have proof of evidence sufficient to establish a thing. I also had to have proof by the act of testing. And then I had to have proof with doing a arithmetical operation to check the correctness of a calculation. I had to March In Proof.
establish this was true so she had Peter and the disciple that Jesus loved, John come to see the proof. I have come from a life that was nothing nice and the proof I used to operate in was 100 proof vodka but now I March In Proof that Jesus is has risen.
In looking at another example in the Word of God of March In Proof I stay in John 20 but verses 11- 18. In this passage Mary Magdalene is standing outside the tomb a she is crying because the earthly body of Jesus
but the angels come to comfort and as act of testing Jesus spoke to her to see if she would recognize his voice. There were times that I thought I had lost the love of my life but it was an act of testing me to see if I knew Jesus was still in my life. I had to March In Proof.
In looking at one last time in the Word of God of March In Proof I go to John 20 verses 24-29. In this passage Thomas who has seen Jesus do things that no other could do because he was the Son of God needs an
arithmetical operation serving to check the correctness of a calculation and needs to place his hands in the holes in his hand to believe. When my income was $50.00 per month I knew that Jesus was there calculating for me so I would make is thus far. March In Proof.

In closing we as Christians at times need to proof that the walk we are taking is worth the words that are said about us. They think they are better than us. Look at him/her they are dancing at the job party. They have the worst children ever. No it is not going to be easy. In Philippians 1:27-28 it speaks of how adversaries will not believe the proof but were know our salvation is the evidence sufficient toestablish that Jesus lives. In 2nd Corinthians 13:3-6 we are going to be going through acts of testing of how Jesus lives within us by those who doubt us. And in Acts 1:3 despite what others may think we have correct calculations and infallible proof that Jesus can make miracles happen that no one else can. I March In Proof. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. I want to thank the Wesley Sisters, Savant Furlow, Cassandra Giles and Chicago Mass Choir, who are family, and Pashon James for the videos I have used in this blog. Please join me Monday for my blog called March In Love. Have a great weekend.
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