Now in the ( Whirl ) Wind
GM and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Now in May based on Genesis 45:5, Exodus 4:12 and Mark 10:30 we are still in the Year of the Wind based on Exodus 14:21 and Acts 2:2-4 I want to share something I heard today, actually a few minutes ago. Coming to meet a friend I saw a young girl run to her grandmother to meet her as she was walking from the store. The young girl asked her grandmother why she didn't take her to the store and the grandmother really didn't answer that question. The young girl them asked the grandmother why she didn't buy her nothing and the grandmother replied that she didn't have enough. I then heard a question that I would have never thought I would hear from someone who is maybe 5 years old, she asked her grandmother why she didn't use the link card. The grandmother replied that she didn't have enough on the card to get everything she wanted. I thought to myself that we at times place value on things that come free in the now but never take time to prepare ourselves or others for when the wind comes. In the world today the question is not when the wind is coming but what to do when we find ourselves Now in the Wind.
In these times there seems to be not only a wind but a stronger wind, a whirlwind. In looking up the word whirlwind I once again go to my source of definitions and that is course Dictionary,com. Whirlwind means;
any of several relatively small mass of air rotating rapidly around a more or less vertical axis and advancing simultaneously over land or sea, as a dust devil, tornado, or waterspout. So if we allow ourselves to get caught up in the things of life and allow the dust devils or tornado's or waterspouts of our lives to come in and not look at them as blessings, or that God is saying something or there may be a couple of things we need in the whirlwind we will never achieve victory.
In looking in the Word of God I want to use three examples and the first one I want to go to is Ezekiel 1:1,4. In the first verse we see that Ezekiel was just chilling with all the other prisoners when God came to
him to begin what we be his breakthrough. In verse 4 he saw a vision after a whirlwind came. Just like in Genesis 45:5 when Joseph now knew his breakthrough had come because of captivity so could Ezekiel see his breakthrough was coming. So as in Moses 14:21 when Moses could command the wind to free his people so did God command a whirlwind so that Ezekiel so could freedom of his people. Now in the Whirlwind.
In my next example Now in the Whirlwind I look in the Word of God and go to Daniel 11:2,40. In verse2 God is giving Daniel words to say to help his people get their minds better. The same captivity that Ezekiel is
so is Daniel but in a different part of the world. But in verse 40 Daniel also gets a word from God that this to will pass. As in Exodus 4:21 as God gave Moses words to say he also had given Daniel words to say to know freedom is coming. As again in Exodus 14:21 when he gave Moses power over the wind in verse 40 God gave Daniel the words of encouragement to tell his people in a whirlwind. Now in the Whirlwind.
In my last example of Now in the Whirlwind I want to go Zechariah 9:8,12, and 14. In verse 8 God sees what his people needs now and in verse 12 prepares to give his people double for what has happened to
them and for them keeping the faith. I verse 14 it tells how God will be seen in all glory and become as a whirlwind. In Mark 10:30 Jesus tells of how those who are faithful to him will receive blessings on earth and eternal life as God showed said in verse 8 and 12 of seeing his peoples needs and providing double. In Acts 2:2-4 we see where the comforter the Holy Spirit has come as a strong wind and how God became as a whirlwind. Now in the Wind.
In closing sometimes there has be a whirlwind for things to get better in the now. We cannot look at the bad all the time and be afraid of what is new. We can teach our youth that there has to be a whirlwind at times for them to be able to have future now. We have to encourage our seniors that there is words that God has told them and experiences that they have saw that can share about now they came out of a whirlwind. We can look at ourselves and have a great life now and prosper and accept the whirlwinds of life as double of things to come in eternal life. I give God all the glory and honor. May God bless those who read this blog. Please join e Friday for my new blog. Have a great rest of the week.
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