I Now Remove Myself.
Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of Now In May based on Genesis 45:5, Exodus 4:21 and Mark 10:30 I am reminded that this is the months that most people plan their weddings. In the weddings you have the groom, the bride, the ring bearer, the flower girl, the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, the maid of honor, the best man, the musician and the wedding coordinator, and the minister who marries the couple. But the most important people in the wedding is the bride and groom. They both have to be there and ready to make a lifetime commitment to each other and the children if they are any now or to come in the future. They have to be ready for the good to follow but they also have to be ready for the bad as well. They have to love each other unconditionally. They have remind each other at times that all the may have is each other. One of the main things I have seen in a successful marriage is that each person has removed their own self to become one. In order for me to used by God I have to remove myself.
In this blog I am going to focus it around the word remove. In going back to one of my tried and true things I go to dictionary.com to look up the meaning remove. The word remove mean as follows; to
to move away from a place or position; to take off or shed; and to transfer. Many times in this walk as Christian we we to move away from a place but it seems hard. We want to to take off or shed the old abut it seems to never leave. And at times we have to transfer to get to exactly where we need to be. In this blog I am going to focus on the second base scripture, Exodus 4:21 and tie it in with two earlier entries from the book of Exodus to see how now I can remove myself.
In looking at the first example of I Now Remove Myself I go to Exodus 3:3-6. In this passage Moses wanted to see how a bush did not burn away as it had been on fire. Moses has now heard from God.
He not only has to remove his shoes but he also is afraid to look at God so he removes himself and hides from the presence of God. Many of us wants to move away from a place or position but we must allow God to lead us and when he speaks listen. When I remove myself, I now hear him.
In the second example of I Now Remove Myself I go to Exodus 3:11-14. In the passage God has given Moses his assignment and there is hesitation on Moses part. He has not been in this situation before,
God has talked to him so he wants to make sure he has heard him. Many of us want to take of or shed some things but we have to remember that God is I AM THAT I AM and change the whole scenario> We remove ourselves, now he can use us.
In closing this blog I go to the base scripture Exodus 4:12. In this passage also go to verses 10-11 where Moses once again does not want to let go of self even as God gets ready transfer some things
for not only him but his people as well. We can say what we want but when God is actually talking for us the transfer is made possible instantly. When we remove ourselves, he now can speak for us.
In closing God would love to be able to use all of us so we can change the world and remove the shackles that are holding us down. He wants us to be successful in arts and entertainment, family, education, business, social media, religion and government. Remove your personal agenda and watch the moves, the shifts and the transfers God does for you, Enjoy your holiday weekend. Join me Tuesday for my menxt blog Now I See His Promises. To God I give all the glory and honor.
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