More Than A Conqueror

Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of More in March I wanted to look back last year when Ms. Tawana Williams and I had been released into our assignments after graduating from a tedious 40 weeks of Teachers Training Courses. During the training each and everything that could happen to not only me but my class as whole happened. There was job loss. There was the loss of transportation. There was homelessness. There was a teacher who passed away during our classes. There was even arguments and disagreements in the class which took place in the house of God. There were many days that we all wanted to give and go back to either sitting in the pews or joining other ministries. But we had been prepared by our instructor named Minister Kimberly Baker that the attacks from the enemy were coming harder and longer the closer we got to the finish line. Minister Baker reminded that we were going to be teachers of the Word of God and that in order to do that we are going to have be strong and have more faith that anything. But the reward is that we would be More than Conquerors.
In looking up the word conqueror I go to my reliable source of definitions and that is of course The word conqueror is defined as follows; a person who conquers or vanquishes, victor.
We as people of faith need to become people who conquers the areas arts and entertainment and social media. We the people of faith have to vanquish the area of family, government and religion. And we most definitely must become victors in the areas of education and business. There has to be a push to not only advance the kingdom to other places and areas. In the next three paragraphs I am going to use the passage from Romans 8:37-39, one verse at a time to show that we must be More than Conquerors today.

In  going to the Word of God and the passage I am using I want to start with Romans 8:39 where it says that there is height or depth or anythings could keep us from the love of Christ. We as people of faith have
responsibility to come into the areas of arts and entertainment and social media to show the world how much that we love Christ. We have to develop a new sound, a new image, a new way to get our messages of the
love of Christ that we have. As we conqueror we have to set standards in place so that the love does not die. This how we become More than Conquerors.

In looking at Romans 8:38 in reading it I see where this verse tells no matter what comes our way, whether friend or foe, whether good or bad or the present or even things to come can stop us in our way to vanquish the area of education, government and religion. We cannot get stuck in the present because that effects the future. We cannot let church folk nor the enemy take away anything from us or any one we that we love. We have to be More than Conquerors.
In looking at Romans 8:37 it reads that we are More than Conquerors. In the preceding verses, 1-36 Paul is teaching a lesson on the importance of what happened when Christ died for our sins. As a matter of fact
verse 35 is what actually is  prelude to verse 37. Nothing should keep the people of God to be successful in
the areas of education and business and these two areas we should be victorious at. The people in the world know how important and education is and most business our now going by way of technology to go worldwide. We must be More than Conquerors.
In closing the Apostle Paul was active in all the areas I have spoken about. He spoke in theatres that they enemy had foothold in. Paul wrote letters that today would be equivalent to being part of the social media. Paul always spoke about his family and embrace his Jewish heritage as well as his Roman heritage. He fought against the government of Rome of which was the ruling party of the day. Paul showed how when you are religious you tend to not accept those who are not like you. Paul went all over the world to educate about how Christ died for our sins. And Paul was in business as a tent maker to be able to fund the advancement of the kingdom of God. With all the technology at are fingertips we to can be More than Conquerors. To God I give all the glory. I am on Facebook. I am a contibutor to a page on Facebook called Rhema Word. I am have archive radio shows on blog talk radio and the show is called Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. I want to thank all those who have read this blog. Please join me Monday for my blog called Jimmy Does'nt Live Here.


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