They Live In Samaria

Good evening. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. The woman that is in the picture in this blog where my picture would normally be is my Aunt Josephine Wesley. Earlier today she took her last breath here on earth with us and went on to meet the Lord. Aunt Josephine had a style that was unique in the way that showed her love for God. Any and everywhere she would profess her love for God and try to convert any and every one she came in contact with to help them receive the reward she is now given. Aunt Josephine would go to hospitals, to the bus stops and wherever she needed to go to profess that Jesus died for our sins. Aunt Josephine knew that the ones who needed saving were not supposed to be the ones already in church. She went to places that others would not go. In biblical times this place the people was considered full of sinners and They Lived In Samaria.
Aunt Josephine knew what her charge was and that was to introduce to the masses that Jesus died for our sins. It was not to just offer crazy praise on Sunday and hear the word preached, it was to go into the world
to reach the lost souls. Our modern Samaria may be found every where. As I walk down the street just going to work I see the lost souls of our modern day Samaria as they maneuver through the day. Some may know the Lord and just may be backsliding. But others have no idea who Jesus is and have not been told who is is. How many times have I had the faith of Aunt Josephine and witnessed to them. Not one time. Have not even said a general prayer. We are held accountable for our actions. The people who need us Live In Samaria. I will use passages from the Word of God in the next three paragraphs to show you why the biblical people avoided Samaria and how we can be effective in our modern day Samaria.

In looking at the Word of God in 2nd Kings the 17th chapter it tells of why the people avoided Samaria. After the Assyrians took over they actually removed all of the influential people of the land and brought in
in there own people and mixed with the poorer people of God and created a race that was not pure in the eyes of the people of Israel when they returned to their land. Samaria was to be avoided for this reason and for the idol worship that was going on. I see in the modern Samaria the poor people being avoided because we think that they sinned or  even of another race. If you can say nothing but a prayer then do that. The people who need saving is in Samaria.

In looking further in the Word of God is see in John 4:4-42 we see where Jesus went to where the sinners lived and that was Samaria. In these times people would go the long way to get to Judea to Galilee and
avoid Samaria at all cost. It was much longer but there was still idol worshipping there and the people were not considered to be fully Israelites, the chosen people of God, so Samaria was avoided altogether. There are so many people in jail and in nursing homes that need us to go there. These people live in Samaria and like Jesus we need to go there and have many believe in spite of what the modern day Pharisees think. They live in Samaria.

In looking at the last example of They Live in Samaria I go to Acts 8:5-13 where we see Philip goes to where most people did not want to go. He went to Samaria and when got there he preached with hard
that he received many converts to Christ. He did things like healing and baptizing that was still unheard of. Philip did such great works that he sent for Peter and John, the disciples of Jesus to come down and see the great works that Christ has done. Some of us are ministry is just not confined to the four walls of the church. The people who need us are not in the church. They Live in the Samaria's of our countries, our city our towns. It is up to us to reach them.
In closing this is the month of More in March based on Exodus 1:9-12 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and we can continue to grow the kingdom of God no matter how they afflict us because we have a more sure prophecy. My Aunt Josephine fought to the good fight. She was never discouraged and never wavered about the goodness of God and that Jesus died for our sins. Full of the Holy Spirit and would do anything to help anybody. That is what a person of faith needs to be doing. We have to go to our modern day Samaria's. They Live in Samaria. This blog is dedicated to my Aunt Josephine Wesley. I love you very much and am going to miss you even though tears are filling my eyes as I finish this.


  1. What a tribute cuz! Joseph and I just read your blog.

  2. She heard the great commission and served welled ... Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. I too loved her. My heart is sad but I glory in the promise as I wipe my tears away: 1 Thess 3:15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

  3. She was happy for you returning to the Lord and proclaiming his goodness to you. When you backslid, she often reminded me that she
    reiterated and espounded the gospel to you in her basement on Morgan. She wanted to make sure that you knew her Saviour. And she explained to me that that she was confident of your salvation even though the signs didn't represent it. She knew the Lord said he was married to the backslider. Jeremiah 3:14 Turn, O backsliding children. saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. She witnessed your return. Praise God!

  4. This is Awesome FRED !!! She was a true Disciples doing the GREAT commission given to us by Jesus Himself. She has gone on to rejoice in heaven and live eternally with our Father. Praise God for her Life here on Earth.


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