Potentially Dangerous
Good morning everyone and Happy Friday. As we are still in the month of Loose In February based on Joshua 5:15, Judges 15:14 and Mark 11:4-5 I wanted to share something. Each and everyday I walk through a neighborhood that is in decline. On my block alone there are at least 10 boarded up houses. In my building when the washer and dryer went out for a day I had to go to the closet laundromat and had to deal with those who work in the place having their friends come over for a early morning drink and smoke. This particular laundromat was also strange because it was connected to the a building that was abandoned. The laundromat could not have been bigger that a small room and it had old washers and dryers and the change machine would only change a dollar. I had never even saw a sign that even had the name of the laundromat. But there was one things I noticed the workers constantly did, each time that a person came in and left out of the laundromat they locked the door. I asked them why and they say each day is a potential for danger and they want to be safe than sorry. We as people of faith have the same power to be Potentially Dangerous.
In doing my blogging in most times define the words that I am writing about and go to my tried and true Dictionary.com for the meanings of the two words that I are in the title of this particular blog. The word
In looking at the second example of Potentially Dangerous I go to the 2nd Kings the 7th chapter. The prophet Elisha had promised that the people would have food to eat at a small price even though there was
In looking at the last example of Potentially Dangerous I go to Matthew 26:38-39. In these two verses Jesus has seen that his time here on earth has been fulfilled but the flesh in him wants to pass the assignment to
another. But God had sent Jesus here for one purpose and that was to die for our sins. We have to let let the world know this even in possibly hazardous situations we are Gods children and he will not forsake us. He has never done that. Jesus fulfilled his destiny and so should we. We are Potentially Dangerous.
In closing when we all get together and pour our resources into advancing the kingdom of God we are Potentially Dangerous to the enemy. We can be Potentially Dangerous and take back the areas he has taken such as arts and entertainment, business, family, social media, education, religion and government. We can empower our youth, take care of our seniors and have a great life for ourselves but we must not talk about and become Potentially Dangerous. The enemy will not know what hit him. May God bless this teaching and I give him all the glory. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter at brandnewweek. I am a writer on thegeekchicmag.com ( still waiting for a release date so please pray for us ). I am a contributor on a Facebook page debuting in March called Rhema Word 2.0. I am going to do a radio show on blog talk radio next week. My show is called Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. Please Join me for my next blog Loose In the World. Have a great weekend. Please lift the Stroud family in prayer on the passing of their loved one, Aunt Joan.
In doing my blogging in most times define the words that I am writing about and go to my tried and true Dictionary.com for the meanings of the two words that I are in the title of this particular blog. The word
potentially means as follows, possibly but not yet actually; and the word dangerous means as follows; full of danger or risk, perilous or hazardous. As witnessed in the video above the golfer finished her round after getting bit by a spider that was potentially dangerous to her health. We as people of faith can possibly be a risk to the enemy, actually become perilous to his agenda and possibly become hazardous to those here on earth who is doing his bidding. In the next three paragraphs I am going to talk about three people in the Bible who show the true meaning of Potentially Dangerous.
In my first example of Potentially Dangerous I go to Genesis 12:7-20. God has given Abram a command to leave and go to the land that God has promised him. Abram and those with him had gotten hungry and on
had to go to Egypt. Once there the Pharaoh fell in love with Sarai and took her away. Sarai was Pharaoh's to have and everything in his world went bad. He had to return Sarai to her proper place as Abram's wife. God can turn things around in our lives that may seem to be bad for us at the time and then take us to where he actually wants us to be. We are actually a risk to those who want to take away things and do harm to us. We are Potentially Dangerous.
In looking at the second example of Potentially Dangerous I go to the 2nd Kings the 7th chapter. The prophet Elisha had promised that the people would have food to eat at a small price even though there was
no food in sight. There was one person who did not believe this and Elisha told the man he would not eat not a mouthful. Then four men who could not even enter the city because of their sickly condition came and did what Elisha said and that was to find the food. In situations that may actually seem perilous God is still there with us. The doubting man got trampled to death and did not eat a mouthful. We are Potentially Dangerous.
In looking at the last example of Potentially Dangerous I go to Matthew 26:38-39. In these two verses Jesus has seen that his time here on earth has been fulfilled but the flesh in him wants to pass the assignment to
another. But God had sent Jesus here for one purpose and that was to die for our sins. We have to let let the world know this even in possibly hazardous situations we are Gods children and he will not forsake us. He has never done that. Jesus fulfilled his destiny and so should we. We are Potentially Dangerous.
In closing when we all get together and pour our resources into advancing the kingdom of God we are Potentially Dangerous to the enemy. We can be Potentially Dangerous and take back the areas he has taken such as arts and entertainment, business, family, social media, education, religion and government. We can empower our youth, take care of our seniors and have a great life for ourselves but we must not talk about and become Potentially Dangerous. The enemy will not know what hit him. May God bless this teaching and I give him all the glory. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter at brandnewweek. I am a writer on thegeekchicmag.com ( still waiting for a release date so please pray for us ). I am a contributor on a Facebook page debuting in March called Rhema Word 2.0. I am going to do a radio show on blog talk radio next week. My show is called Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. Please Join me for my next blog Loose In the World. Have a great weekend. Please lift the Stroud family in prayer on the passing of their loved one, Aunt Joan.
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