Loose Your Influence

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As I post this last blog in the month of  Loose in February based on Joshua 5:15, Judges 15:14 and Mark 11:4-5 I want to convey a story that was told to me on yesterday. There is a certain young man who buys this young lady lunch everyday. This young man has been going to several restaurants across the city he lives in to feed this young lady. The young man has made choices on his own to feed this person and the young lady has been accepting. In the course of the young man feeding the young lady something has happened to the young lady that the young man never realized that could happen. The young woman has gained weight. The food that the young man has given the young woman has been good but it also has been rich in calories which has not been healthy for the her. In my life I have been fed and fed people some unhealthy things because of how I was influenced or how I influenced people. Today as a person of faith I want to Loose My Influence and give out healthy portions of the Word of God.

In most of my blogs I turn to Dictionary.com to define a word or two in my blogs so I can get a better understanding. In looking up the word influence I see where it means as follows; the capacity or power of
 persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behaviors or opinions on others. So although the young man was being nice he produced effects that in action made the young woman gain weight, made her behavior toward him not as great and her opinion of the young man may have changed. In our walk of faith we have non-believers who look at our actions to see if God is truly the head of our lives. We have others who test our behaviors to see if we are who we say we are. And there are still others whose opinion will not change at all. But we must be that compelling force. In the next three paragraphs I am going to use three examples from the Word of God to help Loose My Influence.

In beginning to Loose My Influence I begin in the Word of God in Deuteronomy 11:25-28/ In this book of law we see where the people of God have gotten instructions from God on how to treat the land that they
inherit. If they follow the commandments of God it will be a blessing. But if they sin and follow other gods it will be a curse. As a teacher of the Word of God it is my compelling force to be a positive influence on those that know God and even to those who do not know him. I am on assignment to be the best father, sibling, nephew, cousin, grandson, uncle and friend to each and everyone. I have to be positive because then I can be a blessing to each and everyone. Your actions can be the greatest gift you can give someone. Loose Your Influence.

As I Loose My Influence I go to my second example in the Word of God. In looking at Ezekiel 43:5-12. As the Holy Spirit descended on Ezekiel he is given instructions on how to influence the people of God to
look forward on rebuilding the things that had been lost as they had been captive. In our lives we have been captive to long to the behaviors of the world. We want to live the life of sin and also be in the family of God. We have cannot continue to do that. We have to produce positive effects on the behavior for the world. Not just for the saved but the unsaved as well. I welcome the Holy Spirit in my life so I can Loose My Influence.

In looking at my last example of Loose Your Influence I want to again go to the Word of God and this time in the New Testament and Luke 12:16-21. Jesus is telling a parable to the people. In this parable Jesus is
of a rich man who is full of himself and all that he has accomplished. He builds up so much wealth that he cannot even spend it all even if he tried. But he was not ready for that appointed hour when he had to leave this earth. We as people of faith have the capacity and the power to change the opinions of the unsaved so that they know that eternal life is a gift you receive when you give your life over to Christ and confess that he your Saviour. Jesus died for all of our sins. We must Loose Our Influences.
In closing we must be able to know that we can do all things through Christ. We have the capacity to influence areas like arts and entertainment by producing faith based shows and by poetry by faith based poets. We have to power to influence laws in our governments by writing our elected officials. We can be a compelling force and open up businesses or support businesses that are faith based. We can produce the effect of influence in the social media by blogging or posting faith based pages on the Internet. We can change the behaviors of the attitude that faith based education is not important. We can change the actions towards our families and show them more love and forgiveness. And we can change the opinion that religion is just behind the four walls we worship in. We must Loose Our Influence in every area and part of the world. May God bless those who read this blog. I give God all the glory. I am a writer for thegeekchicmag.com. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am doing my radio show on blog talk radio called Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. I am in the process of resuming the writing of I Slept With the Choir Again. I appreciate all of you for your support. Loose In February. Please join me for my next blog which will be the theme for March.


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