Shake It Off

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the year of 2020 Perfect Vision based on the following scriptures  Genesis 15:1,  Habakkuk 2:1-3 and Acts 26:15-18,on this the 82nd day of the year, the state of Illinois has locked down the state due to coronavirus. For a person like myself this is altering my lifestyle and I have had to make adjustments. For one now that there has been shutdown I still have to work my overnight job but instead of being 2 miles away I know have to travel all the way back home to begin my other job. The people who I would usually interact with my nighttime job especially between 5am and 8am are not there for me to tell thing motivational things to make them feel good about themselves. And finally I cannot see my lady friend due to the health conditions that she already had and makes her high risk for the virus. I could go crazy but instead I am gonna Shake It Off!!!
As I begin this teaching let me define the word shake and it means as follows; to move something, to flourish and to grasp. For many of us there was not preparation for this type of emergency so we find
ourselves not in the position to move anything. There seems to no opportunity to flourish and the ability to grasp anything seems to be impossible. But please don;t worry, just Shake It Off!!!

As we go to the Word of God for this teaching of Shake It Off I go to Acts 13:49. In this scripture it shows that Paul and Barnabas they were able to move something by spreading the Word of God in
Antioch. There are so many people who are in some kind of trouble and do not know God and what he can do. Let's encourage them during these hard times and tell them God has them. Shake It Off!!
As we continue to in the Word of God we go to Acts 13:50. In this verse it shows that some important people have begun to get mad at Paul and Barnbas by saying their teachings are not true and therefore
they are not going to be able to continue to have the Word of God flourish. There are going to be some that will challenge you and attempt to shut you down but you must be strong and Shake It Off!
As we come to end of the biblical portion of this teaching I go to Acts 13:51-52. After being expelled by the prominent folk Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off and celebrated as the Holy Spirit came
over them and they began to grasp the importance of the work that they were doing. In these times there is going to a lot of blame placed on God but we must not let that happen. We must Shake It Off!
As I come to the conclusion this emergency is the perfect time to for the people of God to move something. Maybe you had wanted to open your own business and were scared. Now is the time to move on that business plan. What about the people who had dreams of writing a song, doing a play or movie? Now is the time to put in the work to make it flourish. There are people who are still able to bring home a paycheck and they need to grasp how good God has been to them. In 2nd Samuel Joab and Abishai were outnumbered but in chapter 10:12 he says Be of good courage and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in his sight". I may be inconvenienced but I must continue to move something, flourish and grasp. In other words I must Shake it Off!!! May God continue to watch over everyone and may we all come out of the crisis that much better..


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