(All my) Might, Heart and Soul

Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future unlimited. As we come into the final week of the second month of the year of Perfect Vision based on Genesis 15:1, Habakkuk 2:1-3 and Acts 26:15-18, now that I have my Masters in Human Resources I want for things in my life to change with one of the first being finding a job in this area. So each day I try with all of my might to see if the added skills I now have are a fit for the many organizations that are located in Chicago. I give it all of my heart for I know what I bring to the table as far as work ethic and skill set. And as I look I put my soul into it as I know that one day my goal will be realized. As a man of God there is so much more that I can do to advance the kingdom than what I am doing and if I had not before now is the time to make that a priority and give (All my) Might, Heart and Soul to bring others to kingdom of God.
As we begin this teaching let me define the words, might, heart and soul. In looking in dictionary.com the word might means as follows; the power to accomplish. The word heart means as follows,;
courage and enthusiasm. The word soul mean as follows; an inspirer of some movement. As a man of God I need to the power to accomplish, display courage and enthusiasm about God, and insiper others to seek the Kingdom of God. This teaching will be coming from 2nd Kings 23:25.
In coming into the Word of God I go 2nd Kings 23:25 which speaks about King Josiah. In looking at his verse it culminates with all of the great things that Josiah did such as taking down the high places,
illegal places used for worshiping God and other gods. So others saw Josiah as loving God as he accomplished things to advance the Kingdom of God when there had to be resistance. As a man of God I have to attempt with All My might to bring others to know him.

As we continue with this teaching of (All my) Might, Heart and Soul I return 2nd Kings 23:25 and as we go further into we see where King Josiah loved God with all of his heart. King Josiah display courage and enthusiasm for God in the face of many who did not want change. As a man of God of today I have to display courage and enthusiasm as well to advance the Kingdom of God.
In coming to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching I go again to 2nd Kings 23:25. The last part that Josiah committed to God was that he loved God with all his soul as was not like his
father Manasseh. There was no King like Josiah who loved God more than any other kings. As  man of God I have to be an inspirer to people my age and even younger generations so that others can have access to the kingdom of God. (All my) Might Heart and Soul.
 In conclusion Josiah was able to do things, be a change agent for the times that he was living in. If you continue to read of his works he restored worship, he made the people feel safe and important and he placed God first. As a man of God and as a people of God it is our job to be the change agents of today. I have to know that God gives me the power to accomplish things like being more tolerant and helpful to the homeless. I have to display courage and enthusiasm to let younger people know about how great God is. And I have to continue to be an inspier to those in my life that are despondent or not doing well. In doing this I can show God that I love him with (All my) Might, Heart and Soul. I give God all the honor and glory for this teaching. See you next month.


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