(Perception) All Hope is Lost

Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past and the future is unlimited. As we begin these teachings based Numbers 11:4-6, Deuteronomy 8:2-5, John 7:50-52 and Revelations 1:17-19, one of the things I can say about where I live know it certainly has changed much from the times when  I was growing up. Although I did not live where I do now, I lived close enough to see how things were then and how they are now. My block where I live at now used to be the home of many people who had jobs and homes that were filled with residents. My block now has maybe a handful of residents that have jobs and there are more boarded up homes than there are ones that are actually lived in. There have been instances of gunfire within the last year and as recently as 3 weeks ago. On my block and all throughout the surrounding blocks, there is no sense of community, pride or belonging. In looking at my and others Perception, All Hope Is Lost.
One of the things that can tear down anyone is a situation where All Hope Is Lost. Now when it happens to a community then it becomes a bigger problem as in when hope is not present it leads to
violence and other crimes as the community really does not care but just exists. We as men and women of God must do all we can to introduce others to God who may think All Hope Is Lost. This teaching will be coming from the first base scripture of the month, Numbers 11:4-6.
As we begin in the Word of God this teaching of All Hope Is Lost we begin in Numbers 11:4. In this verse the people of God have gotten to the point of being hungry for meat and are expressing it in a
way that makes it seems like God has deserted them If you can imagine the young men and women who live in my neighborhood who daily are hungry for meat or anything else and have no means of achieving it, All Hope Is Lost.
As we continue in the Word of God for the teaching of All Hope Is Lost. I go Numbers 11:5. In this verse the people of God remember all of the good things that were provided by their captors, the
Egyptians, and would rather go back to captivity that starve. So when these men and women do not see anything better they are going to turn to things like self medication or other things that the world, their captors, have for them. All Hope Is Lost.
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of All Hope Is Lost. we come to Numbers 11:6. In this verse we that even though they had food to eat, manna, the people of God were
were still starving just eating manna and wanted what they used to have. In looking at my block today although there are food items that are available these people are starving for what others have and they do not. All Hope Is Lost.

In coming to the conclusion of this teaching of All Hope Is Lost. you can bet that most of the violence in my community is based on the hunger and want of things that people who do not have but see others with them, When All Hope Is Lost you may see someone prostituting just to feed that hunger, You will see young men and women turn to drug dealing and gangs as way to not look at life as if All Hope Is Lost. You will see people do any and everything to make it in a community where they often times never leave to see other areas of the city, this country or the world. On my block there are people who stay strictly in the neighborhood and because if they venture out, they may be killed. To them All Hope Is Lost. This is when the current people of God need to come in and remind or let others know the goodness of God. Change the Perception that All Hope Is Lost. I  thank God for allowing me to teach this lesson and ask him to bless all who may see this teaching and as well as those who may not. Please join me later this week for a teaching called (Reality) You Go Thru To Come Out based on the second base scripture of the month, Deuteronomy 8:2-5. Have a blessed week.


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