Advancing Others is Our Mission( I Still Have Work to Do).
Good morning and Happy Thursday. As we continue in the month of Advancing in February based on Esther 10:1-3 and the Year of I Still Have Work To Do based on Exodus 7:1-3, Ezekiel 2:6-8 and Phillippians 3:12-14 I do not really know how happy it really is as I happen to stay in a city, Chicago,where there is killings every single day. With the weather being unseasonably warm, the mayhem continues to reach levels not seen before. The thing that gets to me, and I am looking at myself as well, is the numbness to the news of killings. It was tragic that an 12, 11 and 2 year old were killed last week. There was an uproar and it should have been. But the young men and women who continue to get killed at alarming rate has really got me. I am truly at a loss on what really to do but there has got to be something to be done. Our mission, or my mission is to make a difference and spread the Word of God and save the lost in the world. I am not doing a good job but want to change that. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
I was not home 2 Saturdays ago and there was a shooting right next door. I have been at home and have heard the sounds of gunfire in a drive-by. These are things that I have gotten used to and it
becomes part of the oh well, at least I am okay. But it is not oh well, and I am not pleased because I know God is not pleased. One of the people in the Bible, the person whose I have taught about all month, Mordecai saw an wrong and quickly went to make it better. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
As we come into this teaching of Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do) I want to begin in Esther 4:1-2. In this verse Mordecai has heard the news of Haman's destruction of
his people and he tears off his clothes and puts on a sack and cries out. Okay maybe your ministry is not to be in the midst of the gang members or people who are doing the shooting but we need the people of God to cry out God for those who have lost control and looking to kill. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
As we continue in the Word of God for this teaching of Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do). lets go Esther 4:10-12. In this verse Queen Esther after hearing what is going to
happen makes an excuse, a valid one back in those times, that she could not help Mordecai or her own people. Most people work and even I have two jobs and am going to school, so I/we make excuses, valid ones, for not trying to change what is going on. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
As we come to end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do) we finish in Esther 4:13-14. In this passage Mordecal calls out Esther for
not being brave enough to put an end to this impeding violence and destruction of her people in the position that we are in. I/we are in a position to at least try to stop this violence and but we chose not to and our mission is to do that For Such a Time As This, Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
As we come to the conclusion of this teaching of Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do) when is enough finally enough. When do we do the work? Where do we do the work? How do we do the work? For those who have a strong prayer life you are needed to continue to cry as Mordecai did and continue to do so, God will hear you. The work is needed everywhere but I have to start in my community and be brave enough to at least see what some of the issues and lead to God hopefully, and if not some other path that will not make them a statistic. We get the work done by letting our senators and governors and aldermen and other elected officials to come work harder with us to stem this tide of violence and to find out who is supplying these guns to the youth of our communities. This is not a Chicago issue or an America issue but a world issue. As people of faith our mission is help with the Advancement of Others, How could you even want to advance in your own life when there is so much violence going on. I/we Still Have Work to Do, Plenty, I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and I ask him to provide protection for all who live in this violent world, Change the hearts of men Father, Please join me next week for the last teaching of Advancing In February called Advancement Depends on Your Demise. Have the best weekend ever.
becomes part of the oh well, at least I am okay. But it is not oh well, and I am not pleased because I know God is not pleased. One of the people in the Bible, the person whose I have taught about all month, Mordecai saw an wrong and quickly went to make it better. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
his people and he tears off his clothes and puts on a sack and cries out. Okay maybe your ministry is not to be in the midst of the gang members or people who are doing the shooting but we need the people of God to cry out God for those who have lost control and looking to kill. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
happen makes an excuse, a valid one back in those times, that she could not help Mordecai or her own people. Most people work and even I have two jobs and am going to school, so I/we make excuses, valid ones, for not trying to change what is going on. Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
not being brave enough to put an end to this impeding violence and destruction of her people in the position that we are in. I/we are in a position to at least try to stop this violence and but we chose not to and our mission is to do that For Such a Time As This, Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do).
As we come to the conclusion of this teaching of Advancing Others is Our/My Mission ( I Still Have Work To Do) when is enough finally enough. When do we do the work? Where do we do the work? How do we do the work? For those who have a strong prayer life you are needed to continue to cry as Mordecai did and continue to do so, God will hear you. The work is needed everywhere but I have to start in my community and be brave enough to at least see what some of the issues and lead to God hopefully, and if not some other path that will not make them a statistic. We get the work done by letting our senators and governors and aldermen and other elected officials to come work harder with us to stem this tide of violence and to find out who is supplying these guns to the youth of our communities. This is not a Chicago issue or an America issue but a world issue. As people of faith our mission is help with the Advancement of Others, How could you even want to advance in your own life when there is so much violence going on. I/we Still Have Work to Do, Plenty, I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and I ask him to provide protection for all who live in this violent world, Change the hearts of men Father, Please join me next week for the last teaching of Advancing In February called Advancement Depends on Your Demise. Have the best weekend ever.
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