Drama Free in January ( Theme for the month)

Good morning and Turnt Up Tuesday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we begin this month most of us are filled with the excitement of new things, new looks, and new goals. For some the past year was filled with heartache and sorrow. For others it was filled with love and happiness. And then even for others there joy and pain. We are now past the year of 2014 and have entered a new month. In looking at the this month I want to start off differently than I have done other months. Most times each month there is a problem or an issue that sets me off. It could be something that some one said or some thing that some one has did. But I am always angry with some one during some part of the month. I want to have one of the best months ever. I want to be happy the entire month. I want this month of January to be Drama Free.
As we begin this teaching let me define the words drama and free. I will go the my source of definitions and that is dictionary.com. The word drama means as follows; a story involving conflict
or contrast, a series of events having vivid interest or results. The word free means as follows; enjoying personal rights or liberty. So based on the scriptures below this month is going to be drama free.
As we get into the Word of God for this teaching we begin in 1st Kings 3:23-28. In these verses prior to the ones I just mentioned Solomon asked for wisdom (verses 1-15 ) and received more than he
asked for. But now as King Solomon he has a decision to make and the whole kingdom is looking at him. Does he side with one or does he side with the other. In our lives there are conflicts that tries to take away our liberties. Drama Free in January.
So King Solomon listens to each person and makes a decision that helps him come to the conclusion who is the mother of the child. We as a people of God cannot even begin to have a better year than
when the same series of events that has the same vivid results attempt to take away the personal rights that were given to us when Christ died on the cross. Drama Free in January.
In looking at the second base scripture for the month of Drama Free in January I go to Mark 12:13-17. in this passage of the ruler of the land, the Pharisees and the Herodians, try to trick Jesus with a
question so they can begin some stuff to get Jesus killed. As a people of God the enemy will ask you questions, say things about you and do what ever they can to contrast your freedom. Drama Free in January.
In  closing there can not be a repeat of the things that happened last year, drama wise, that carries over in this year. I have already had an argument with my friend the Chef S. after I wanted to have God move in ways for me this year like he has never has. I have to be better and not allow the person who is known for conflict, contrasting and series of events that wants to keep me from enjoying personal rights or liberty that God is responsible for. Before I let that happen I come back to the place where I want to begin this month. Drama Free in January. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all those who read this blog and even those who do not. Please join me Saturday for a teaching called Our Father is Drama Free. Have a great first whole week of the year.


  1. Drama free it shall be for you and all of we in Jesus name! Amen. Thanks for posting!


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