Slipping Into Darkness

Good evening and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of Visually Impaired in August based on Job 29:11-16, Mark 8:22-25 and Revelation 3:14-19 I can remember it well as though it happened yesterday. The year was 1975 (ancient times) and I had saw my Dad, whom I adored ( and still do ), smoking a cigar. I thought this was so cool. I saw this as a passage to manhood. So each day I would take one of his wrapped cigar and place it in my mouth and act as if I was smoking it. One day my Father, whom I love, saw me doing this and was a bit perturbed. I thought I was going to get another epic whipping ( I would say the extension cord was part of my young life, like a best friend so to speak). But he did not. He instead ordered me to smoke the cigar. I coughed and wheezed all throughout this ordeal. My Father was trying to teach me a lesson before I would become older and he thought this would curb me from Slipping Into Darkness.
Before I get further into this teaching I want to define the words slipping and darkness. I go to my source of definitions and that is The word slipping means as follow; to go easily over the surface; to
slide involuntary; or to become disengaged. Darkness means as follows; the state of being dark, absence of light; and wickedness or evil. The next three paragraphs will have scriptural reference along with a personal story as well.
As we get into the teaching of Slipping Into Darkness I go the Word of God and Deuteronomy 13:1-3. In this passage it explains how God tests our resolve to see how strong we are. After my fiasco with the cigar
my next step was in 1976 when I began my journey into darkness. I was going easily into the surface to a state of being dark when I began drinking Hamm's and Stroh's beer because I listened to others than my parents and saw my grandfather and uncles drinking beer. As in the times of when the people of Israel was Slipping Into Darkness, so was I.
In looking at another example of Slipping Into Darkness in the Word of God I go 1st Kings 12:25-33. In this passage Jeroboam has become king of Israel of one half of the kingdom ( Judah being the other half ) and
ordered two golden calves to be built so the people of Israel can give them honor which goes against what our God represents. In 1986 I listened to my peers and saw what they did and began to slide involuntarily into the absence of light by doing California Sunshine, Window Panes and Yellow Dots,  which is LSD in the pill form. I was Slipping Further into Darkness as was the people of Israel.
In looking in the last example of Slipping Into Darkness in the Word of God I go to Matthew 27:3-9. In this passage we see where Judas after betraying Jesus commits the suicide. There was a time in my life in 2000's
when I was becoming disengaged and evil thought were going through my head. Things were not going well for me and I wanted to give up. As when Judas thought about what he had done and saw life as empty so did I and I was Slipping All the Way Into Darkness.
As I come into the conclusion of this teaching it is easy for a person to Slip Into Darkness. Job loss, foreclosure, being attracted to some one other than your spouse and acting on it. Being prodded by peers to take drugs, drink or forget your morals is another way to begin the Slipping Into Darkness. Your patience, trust and faith can be tested and you can Slip Into Darkness. We have to lean on God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit in these times. They bring light into the darkness and will keep you from slipping. Have a great weekend all. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please join me for my untitled teaching at this time. May God bless you and keep you all.


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