Notification of A High Point

Good afternoon and Happy Thursday. As I came home yesterday I had some issues in my home. The issues did not get resolved as I slept  and  it came to a head this morning. The chaos and confusion trickled down to others that I love and that made me feel as bad as ever. I had not only two papers to write for school but this blog as well. Then as I was coming to work it was snowing and still very cold. It feels as though I am coming down with the flu and I have to still do another shift after I leave this job and continue to do this for the next few days so lack of sleep is going to be a big issue for me. It seems like every thing in the world is going against me and I do not know why. But as I am at work a group of people who do a mentorship program asked could I come into to where they were meeting and I agreed. The positive things that the leader of the group said about me was outstanding. In spite of everything God gave me a Notification of a High Point. Most of us have different emotions throughout the day. I often ask people as they leave work was there high point in the day. Most say that their high point is that they are for leaving home. Others say that finishing the project that was giving them trouble and
completing it was their high point of the day. As a person who knows what God can do being patient and faithful will ultimately provide you with a Notification of a High Point. The next three example from the Word of God will show what I mean.

In looking the Word of God to see the first example of Notification of a High Point I go to 1st Samuel 3:10-11. In the verses previous ( 3:1-9 ) Samuel hears the voice of the Lord but does answer. But once he
knows how to answer and listen to God something is now going to change. God can provide for you even in your sleep ( your dreams ) and give you that Notifications of High Points.

The next example of Notification of a High Point I go to John 1:29-33. In the preceding verses you have those questioning John the Baptist about who he is and what his role is. They compared him to prophets but
John the Baptist knew what his assignment was to be. And when he finally saw Jesus and baptized him he saw the Holy Spirit. When your ministry is led by the Holy Spirit you may have those who question you but you know what God has for you as he has given you Notification of a High Point.
In going to my last example of Notification of A High Point in the Word of God I go to John 13:4-9. In this passage Jesus is going to leave his disciples so he can complete what God has for him to do. Jesus is going
to show them how they have to serve others at times by doing some things as washing feet. At times you have to go over and beyond to help others to advance the kingdom. This is a Notification of a High Point.
In closing a Notification of a High Point usually comes when you may be at your lowest. See even though issue at home was not resolved when I went to work is was by the time I got to work. Even though one of the people whom it trickled down to had not heard from me before I got to work you best believed I spoke with them and told them I love them to make the situation better. God can provide you a Notification for a High Point when you are patient and  faithful to him. I am a witness as the High Point of my day was to be included as part of the mentorship program for inner city program for the youth in Chicago. Please join me next week for a blog that is yet untitled.


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