Acts of Greed
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Acts In September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I remember growing up and how greedy I was at times. My sister Glo and I ate a dozen eggs ( actually we cooked a few eggs but burnt some so had to keep fixing them until we got them right). When I smoked weed and drank alcohol I always wanted the biggest share and would never go out with any women that smoked weed or squares or drank alcohol or snorted cocaine because I wanted more for me. I was always in competition for the love of my parents from my sister Angela and wanted all the love for myself. I do not pay any tithes or much less any offering or even bless the Apostle of my church because I want it all for myself. I need the Holy Spirit so bad but he cannot take over because of my Acts of Greed.
In looking up the word greed I go to my source of definitions and that is The word greed means as follows; excessively desirous of wealth; inordinately wanted profit; and
avaricious/covetous. I have been excessively desiring wealth that actually belongs to God. I have been inordinately wanted profits that could have went to others. And I have been covetous with my income that God gave me any way. And I wonder why I take one step forward and another step backwards. Holy Spirit has me part way but he wants to fully use me and I and not being obedient to him and letting him guide me. In the next three paragraphs I will use examples of Acts of Greed that will come from the book of Acts.
In looking at the first example of Acts of Greed I want go to the Word of God and to Acts 5:1-6 we Ananias has sold his land, what he was told to to do but then he got excessively desirous of earthly
wealth and wanted to keep some for himself. How many times that I knew I had the money to tithe but did not use it for that but did something for myself or others. I must stop this Acts Of Greed.
In looking at the second example from the Word of God of Acts of Greed I can just start at Acts 5:7-11 and see that his wife Sapphira inordinately wanted for profit for herself instead of obeying the command of the
Holy Spirit. How many times have I been given money to even put into offering by others and then I keep it for myself to get gas, food or something I could have sacrificed. There has to be an end to my Acts of Greed.
In the last example of Acts of Greed I go the Word of God and to Acts 12:20-24 and see where King Herod was greedy for the people to love him In Acts 12:1-4 he has already killed James the brother of John
an placed Peter in jailed to be killed as well. At times I act like King Herod as I am hesitant to give to the leader of my church an offering of at least 100.00 dollars a year. Even as the Holy Spirit speaks Apostle Wilson and I am blessed I up until now have never given nothing. I have been committing Acts of Greed.
In closing any and every ministry needs contributions in order to survive. I speak all the time about changing social media to help faith based initiatives but sometimes lack of computers or access to them is a factor. I speak of changing the government by calling or writing ti you elected officials but you must have access to cell phones or stamps. I speak of changing education , family, arts and entertainment, business and religion but we must do not only our part but sometimes go beyond. Malachi 3:10-11 speaks of the blessings of tithing. In Leviticus 5:1-6 it speaks of a offering ( trespass) that can atone for sins. This is what offering does today as the things used in this passage was currency back in those times. John 10:10-11 it tells what a good leader of the church does when Jesus is he head of his life so we can contribute to help them. The Acts of Greed must stop. I give God all the glory for this teaching. I want to thank Mrs. JoAnn Wesley, my Mother, my special friend Chef Stroud, Mrs. Richmond and Ms. L. Flanagan for helping me with dealing with and changing my Acts of Greed. Please join me for next blog called Acts of Passion. Have a great week all.
In looking up the word greed I go to my source of definitions and that is The word greed means as follows; excessively desirous of wealth; inordinately wanted profit; and
avaricious/covetous. I have been excessively desiring wealth that actually belongs to God. I have been inordinately wanted profits that could have went to others. And I have been covetous with my income that God gave me any way. And I wonder why I take one step forward and another step backwards. Holy Spirit has me part way but he wants to fully use me and I and not being obedient to him and letting him guide me. In the next three paragraphs I will use examples of Acts of Greed that will come from the book of Acts.
In looking at the first example of Acts of Greed I want go to the Word of God and to Acts 5:1-6 we Ananias has sold his land, what he was told to to do but then he got excessively desirous of earthly
wealth and wanted to keep some for himself. How many times that I knew I had the money to tithe but did not use it for that but did something for myself or others. I must stop this Acts Of Greed.
In looking at the second example from the Word of God of Acts of Greed I can just start at Acts 5:7-11 and see that his wife Sapphira inordinately wanted for profit for herself instead of obeying the command of the
Holy Spirit. How many times have I been given money to even put into offering by others and then I keep it for myself to get gas, food or something I could have sacrificed. There has to be an end to my Acts of Greed.
In the last example of Acts of Greed I go the Word of God and to Acts 12:20-24 and see where King Herod was greedy for the people to love him In Acts 12:1-4 he has already killed James the brother of John
an placed Peter in jailed to be killed as well. At times I act like King Herod as I am hesitant to give to the leader of my church an offering of at least 100.00 dollars a year. Even as the Holy Spirit speaks Apostle Wilson and I am blessed I up until now have never given nothing. I have been committing Acts of Greed.
In closing any and every ministry needs contributions in order to survive. I speak all the time about changing social media to help faith based initiatives but sometimes lack of computers or access to them is a factor. I speak of changing the government by calling or writing ti you elected officials but you must have access to cell phones or stamps. I speak of changing education , family, arts and entertainment, business and religion but we must do not only our part but sometimes go beyond. Malachi 3:10-11 speaks of the blessings of tithing. In Leviticus 5:1-6 it speaks of a offering ( trespass) that can atone for sins. This is what offering does today as the things used in this passage was currency back in those times. John 10:10-11 it tells what a good leader of the church does when Jesus is he head of his life so we can contribute to help them. The Acts of Greed must stop. I give God all the glory for this teaching. I want to thank Mrs. JoAnn Wesley, my Mother, my special friend Chef Stroud, Mrs. Richmond and Ms. L. Flanagan for helping me with dealing with and changing my Acts of Greed. Please join me for next blog called Acts of Passion. Have a great week all.
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