Acts of a Champion
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in this month of Acts in September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I began this form of teaching last year. Although I was supposed to teach in the classroom I have found what I can do well to help advance the kingdom of God. On the day that I am writing this I feel well and am just filled with the Holy Spirit. You ever get that feeling that you are just winning at everything that you do. That is how I feel today. Problems are rampant in my life but that is all the time. In each life there is going to be famine ( thanks Teacher Matti ) but it takes famine to know how to act when it is plenty. Today I feel like the person that my Father, James, and my Mother, Joann, raised me to be. Today I feel like I am a Champion. So this blog is called Acts of a Champion.
Last year Valley Kingdom Ministries International had a theme of the Year of Champions. During the summer I had a blog featured on the church's website called the Portrait of a Champion. Each month
after that I did a blog that spoke of Champions. In December I even did a blog called Defending of a Champion which spoke of Stephen in Acts the 7th Chapter. I encourage each and every one to this day that there are Champions. So today I focus on two different people and a act of God in the Word of God that portrays the Acts of a Champion.
In the first example of Acts of a Champion in the Word of God I go Acts 9:26-30. In this passage Saul is trying to get with other believers and show that he has changed but people of God are not
trusting of him. I was like Saul at one time and people were hesitant to believe that I stopped cursing, drinking and being a hell raiser. But Saul had Barnabas who brought him in and took up for him and put his rep on the line. To me that is the Act of a Champion.
In the second example of the Word of God I go Acts 16:25-34. In this passage of scripture we see there has been a earthquake and the doors to the prison had been opened. The person watching the
was asleep and thought that he may had lost his job as the prisoners should have escaped. There have been situations where I had been sleep and missed so many opportunities but God still blessed me despite. The jailer not only did not lose his job or take his life. He believed on Jesus Christ being his Savior and not only fed Paul and Silas but also washed their wounds. That is the Acts of a Champion.
In my last example in the Word of God I go to Acts 19:11-20. In this passage we have men who seem to be led by the spirit to cast out demons in the name of Jesus. These men have not been saved or have actual
belief in the name of Jesus. We live in a world of false teachings and people getting over that it is hard to know who is who. But God knows and has ways to expose the truth in so many different ways as he did in the passage. The Acts of a Champion.
Last year Valley Kingdom Ministries International had a theme of the Year of Champions. During the summer I had a blog featured on the church's website called the Portrait of a Champion. Each month
after that I did a blog that spoke of Champions. In December I even did a blog called Defending of a Champion which spoke of Stephen in Acts the 7th Chapter. I encourage each and every one to this day that there are Champions. So today I focus on two different people and a act of God in the Word of God that portrays the Acts of a Champion.
trusting of him. I was like Saul at one time and people were hesitant to believe that I stopped cursing, drinking and being a hell raiser. But Saul had Barnabas who brought him in and took up for him and put his rep on the line. To me that is the Act of a Champion.
In the second example of the Word of God I go Acts 16:25-34. In this passage of scripture we see there has been a earthquake and the doors to the prison had been opened. The person watching the
was asleep and thought that he may had lost his job as the prisoners should have escaped. There have been situations where I had been sleep and missed so many opportunities but God still blessed me despite. The jailer not only did not lose his job or take his life. He believed on Jesus Christ being his Savior and not only fed Paul and Silas but also washed their wounds. That is the Acts of a Champion.
In my last example in the Word of God I go to Acts 19:11-20. In this passage we have men who seem to be led by the spirit to cast out demons in the name of Jesus. These men have not been saved or have actual
belief in the name of Jesus. We live in a world of false teachings and people getting over that it is hard to know who is who. But God knows and has ways to expose the truth in so many different ways as he did in the passage. The Acts of a Champion.
In conclusion there are so many ways to perform the Acts of a Champion. You need not prove super human strength or power. You need not be the person who prays the loudest or knows the Word of God so well nobody can tell you nothing. You do not have to boast about your fasting or how many souls you have saved. There are so many other ways to perform Acts of a Champion as I just showed in this teaching. Continue to be a Champion in all aspects of your life. I give God all the glory for this teaching. Please join me Friday for my blog called Acts of the Power. Have a great week.
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