Acts of Confidence.
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we end the month of Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and Acts 28:25-27 there is nothing in this world that I cannot do. I have passed a math class without the aid of a book I lost a while ago and although I got a C out of the class I feel great. I have not only found a better position at my current job but I am also getting benefits next month and I found a part-time job that will make up for some of the pay cut I have taken. I have a way to finally finish my book and do my blogs in peace. I have gotten better in my writing as I take my time and go over my errors. At this time if I ran a marathon I know I would win because I am brimming with something I never thought I had. I have the Acts of Confidence.
In looking up the word confidence I once again go to my source of reference and that is And the word confidence means as follows; full trust; reliability of a person; and
belief in powers. We as people of faith know that placing full trust in God always works out for the best. We as people of faith know that the reliability of Jesus is certain when we call on his name. We as people of faith have belief in the powers of the Holy Spirit. In the next three paragraphs I will look at the last base scripture for the month Acts. 28:25-27 and verses leading up to this point to show Acts of Confidence.
In looking in the Word of God I want to start in Acts 28:17-20. In this passage Paul is finally brought to Rome to begin his trial in front of all the Jewish leaders. He has full trust in God that the even as
he is in jail for just preaching the gospel of Christ. Paul could have been released long ago by the Romans but those who did not believe him, those who were super religious, business leaders and in the governing of the Jewish people rejected the teachings of God. This has happened to many of us as God has led us to change some things but religion, business and governments get in the way. But we must continue with the Acts of Confidence.
In looking at the second example of Acts of Confidence I go to the Word of God and Acts 28:21-24. The leaders have spoken and told Paul that they have no news about what he was talking about but
gave him a chance to speak about the reliability that Jesus did rise from the dead and is not a sect which it had been portrayed by the media of that time and then passed on to family, other Jewish leaders of the time. Paul speaking with the Acts of Confidence had some believe and others not. Many times people of faith who love Jesus are reviled by the media ( ie Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, etc )
and this hatred is passed along to families of those who do not believe. We have press on with the Acts of Confidence.
In the last example of Acts of Confidence I go to the 3rd base scriptures for the month and that is Acts 28:25-27. In this passage Paul speaking with a true belief in the Holy Spirit quotes some thing
the people knew and that was scripture ( Isaiah 6:9-10 ). Back then and even now people who are educated think of the Holy Spirit and Jesus as not being real. These beliefs are often shown in art and entertainment. We must educate the masses and have some arts and entertainment to show them we serve a true and living God. We must have Acts of Confidence.
In closing I want to point out Acts 28:30-31 where Paul preached with confidence even though in bonds (jail ). We can start of our on faith based businesses, write or contact our elected officials to change laws and get rid of some of the religion practices that holds us back when we have a full trust in God. We can start our own social media websites to get the gospel out and make sure all of our family members know the reliability when you have Jesus to call upon. And lastly we have to educate in schools and on the streets that the Holy Spirit is real and begin to develop television shows and/or movies or plays to get the gospel out to the masses. The Bible mini-series reached 10 million people and 2.5 million of them were non believers. Acts of Confidence can get this done. I give God all the glory and the honor for this teaching. I pray that you enjoyed the teachings in the month of Acts of September. Please join me next month for the theme of the month. You can also receive teachings from me as well as others of Rhema Word 2.0. I also want to announce that in conjunction with the teachings on prayer at Valley Kingdom Ministries International Wednesday night Bible Study called Digging Deep which is doing a series of Changing the World Through Prayer I will be one of those teaching through blogging on the website of Valley Kingdom ( ). Acts of Confidence begins with prayer/ Have a great week. See you soon,
In looking up the word confidence I once again go to my source of reference and that is And the word confidence means as follows; full trust; reliability of a person; and
belief in powers. We as people of faith know that placing full trust in God always works out for the best. We as people of faith know that the reliability of Jesus is certain when we call on his name. We as people of faith have belief in the powers of the Holy Spirit. In the next three paragraphs I will look at the last base scripture for the month Acts. 28:25-27 and verses leading up to this point to show Acts of Confidence.
In looking in the Word of God I want to start in Acts 28:17-20. In this passage Paul is finally brought to Rome to begin his trial in front of all the Jewish leaders. He has full trust in God that the even as
he is in jail for just preaching the gospel of Christ. Paul could have been released long ago by the Romans but those who did not believe him, those who were super religious, business leaders and in the governing of the Jewish people rejected the teachings of God. This has happened to many of us as God has led us to change some things but religion, business and governments get in the way. But we must continue with the Acts of Confidence.
In looking at the second example of Acts of Confidence I go to the Word of God and Acts 28:21-24. The leaders have spoken and told Paul that they have no news about what he was talking about but
gave him a chance to speak about the reliability that Jesus did rise from the dead and is not a sect which it had been portrayed by the media of that time and then passed on to family, other Jewish leaders of the time. Paul speaking with the Acts of Confidence had some believe and others not. Many times people of faith who love Jesus are reviled by the media ( ie Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, etc )
and this hatred is passed along to families of those who do not believe. We have press on with the Acts of Confidence.
In the last example of Acts of Confidence I go to the 3rd base scriptures for the month and that is Acts 28:25-27. In this passage Paul speaking with a true belief in the Holy Spirit quotes some thing
the people knew and that was scripture ( Isaiah 6:9-10 ). Back then and even now people who are educated think of the Holy Spirit and Jesus as not being real. These beliefs are often shown in art and entertainment. We must educate the masses and have some arts and entertainment to show them we serve a true and living God. We must have Acts of Confidence.
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