Street Lights

Good morning and Happy Wednesday. I once again go into the way back machine to start this blog. My sisters and I grew up in the Roseland neighborhood on the block of 101st and St. Lawrence. We were not children that stayed in the house nor where other children on the block. When ever I would go outside I would normally play with either Gregory Allen or Kevin Miles. Most of our activities consisted in the area of our block and permission was needed to leave off of the block. We did not go out much on school nights and on school nights activities that did not include school work such as watching television was not tolerated until your homework was done. The days we could go outside we took advantage of each and every minute as we played and played until the sun finally had enough and took its leave for the day. Unfortunately the sun going down meant it was getting dark. In order the help the residents see in the dark we had street lights. Every parent on that block always screamed out the house saying, " THE STREET LIGHTS ARE ON, GET IN THE HOUSE. I look at all the crime and mayhem that goes on after dark and have surmised that when the street lights come on today we Christians immediately go in the house.

In looking up the word street and light I go to to get the definitions. The word street means as follows; the section of city associated with a profession or trade, especially with business or finance,  the
the principal theater and entertainment district of any of number of U.S. cities, taking place or appearing on the street. The word lights means as follows; something that makes things visible, a illuminating agent or source; and a device for or means of igniting a spark, flame or match. As crime gets to higher peaks each day most of the occur in the nighttime hours. As people of faith we need to be in these areas of the world where crime is rampant so those in the word can see the visibility of Christians. We need to be in the principal areas in the U.S and worldwide to be and illuminating agent or source. We also need to see what is taking place or appearing on the street so when we as Christians go out into the world we can be that device that ignites a spark of even a flame for those in the world can see. Too many times the areas, of education, business, arts & entertainment, media, government, family and religion are being only taken care of in the daytime and the enemy is running rampant and roughshod at night. That is because when the street lights come on we take our Christian walk in the house until the sun comes out. I have 3 examples in the Bible of one man who when the street lights came on he always went in the house.

In looking in the Bible for this blog I came across one man who when there was time of trouble always seemed to leave the scene, run away or just quit. I was actually surprised when I was doing the research it
was Mark ( John Mark ) who is attributed to writing the Gospel according to Mark. In doing my research Mark was on the scene when Jesus was speaking in the 6th chapter of John. In the 65th verse Jesus tells of him being the only way to reach the Father was through him. In verse 66 Mark is said to be one of the ones who found this hard to believe. The are times when we can make a difference in the arts & entertainment world or the business world but we fail most people can see the light that we should have. Most times when we are blessed we keep them to ourselves or brag in a way that makes being a Christian unattractive. We know that the only way to God is through Christ so should promote and support those that are in the arts & entertainment doing faith based things. We can buy from and use businesses that are faith based to show the world the light that we have. We need to to come out when the street lights come on.

In reading a little more on the Apostle Mark I actually see an example of when the street lights came on he ran away. In the book of Mark the 14th chapter we see where it time for Jesus to prepare for his impending
death to cleanse us from his sins. As we jump down to the 46th verse we see where the disciples are trying to defend Jesus from the soldiers. But when we look at verse 50 every one that was with him was gone in the wind. In verse 51 in doing my research it purports that the man running away naked is Mark. In the education area we run away from being involved because we do not understand change. We run away from social media because it is the devil. We run away from doing things different in religion because of our beliefs. As Christians we are affect every city, town, county, hamlet or wherever we can be an illuminating source or agent for Christ. We need to involved in our school elections and board meetings. We need to use technology such as social media as a tool to advance the Word of God. We can do come out after dark in the religion area and save those who may not know Christ. We must be out when the street lights come on instead of in the house.

In this instance I pick up the story where Mark has called to quits.In Acts the 13th chapter we see where Paul and Barnabus are doing the work of the Lord spreading the Gospel of Jesus. In the 13th verse we see
Mark ( he is called John in this chapter ) leaves them hanging and quits altogether. We as Christians have to be aware what is taking place in government so we can ignite a spark for Christian based initiatives. We need to appear at family functions that may seem out of place so we ca be that flame of light that should exude from us as being Christians. We need to be out in the streets when the street lights come on. We need to all vote no matter who you support or what your ideas are. You need to involve your family and invite them to church so much that they may one day come. We are the light because we have the blood of Jesus running through us and the Holy Spirit shining within in us and God's love as a comfort.
In closing we cannot leave the scene, runaway or quit this race because the areas of arts & entertainment, business, education, media, religion, government and family need a freshness of sorts. As we continue in the month of All In October based on 2nd Kings 19:14-19 and Isaiah 37:14-20 we need to go all in all the times. That means when the street lights come on then the Champions should be out as well. In John 1:4-5 it tells of what happens when the light shines. If we can save one from death, rape, drugs, alcoholism, robbery, theft, beatings and any other harmful things we have doing the work of the Lord. I give God all the glory. I am a writer for I am on Facebook as Frederick  Wesley. I am on twitter ( ok ok I will tweet more often) @brandnewweek. I am going to be doing a radio show today on blog talk radio called Do Something about it. Happy Birthday John Jr. This blog was published to keep up with my stated goal of two a week and with my school obligations I feel behind but am now catching up. Join me for my next blog called The Best of Both Worlds. See you Friday.





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