All In of a Champion
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we begin another week of All in October based on 2nd Kings 19:14-19 and Isaiah 37:14-20 I think of so many things that have happened in the last week personally. I had a rough week as I have tried to juggle school along with my writing and radio show. I not only was not able to do a radio show but the blogs that I used to have waiting in the wings in case I had gotten behind were exhausted and I did not even publish one on Friday. With that being said I know that some of you would think as the younger generation would say, " I was doing too much ". I beg to differ. In God there is also nothing impossible ( Matthew 19:26 ) then it is possible for me to advance the kingdom in any way I can. It takes the resolve of a special character to continue on in spite of the circumstances. On this day as a child of God I plan on doing the work of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I plan to go All In of a Champion.
In being a Champion the worst times come before your best times. There are times when are behind in things that makes you unsure if you are a Champion. You hear the voices of the crowd that you are not still
on top. You have people who did no appreciate that you were on that pedestal who want to knock you down not appreciating they are already Champions. You have Champions in the world who can lie, deceive, destroy, take away and give you a doubt in your mind of who you really are. I would never forget I was told by someone that I would not amount to any body and took that to heart for many years. But when the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit re-entered into my life or actually when I allowed them back into my life I felt a renewed strength as if I was empowered by a strong force. As I spoke to my friend Ms. Kimberly Marion she reminded that me that as children of God it is not easy. But with continued faith and a determination to not only change the way I think and do things but to also get involved in the areas of education, business, media, arts and entertainment, family, religion, and government I could go All In of a Champion and make a big change in these areas. In the next three paragraphs I will give three examples of men who had the All In Of a Champion
In my first example of All In of a Champion I look in the Word and see in Numbers 22:5 the mention of Baalam, the son of Beor. This is the first we hear of this him. King Balak was very afraid of the
people Israel and goes to seek Baalam's assistance to curse the people ( Numbers 22:6 ). Baalam asks the Lord and he does not move because God tells him not to move. The interesting thing about Baalam is that he is not of Jewish descent so not only does he listen to God but obeys him. There are many instances of issues that affect our youth and we refuse to get involved education because our children are not involved, refuse to help our seniors because we count on the government to do that and because of our religious beliefs we refuse to obey God. Baalam got tempted by money and went against the wishes of God. But the Champion in this passage come into play in verse 23-30 when the ass talks to Baalam. Sometimes a donkey has more sense than a human being. Get involved in education for the youth are our future. Get involved with the government to make things better for our seniors. Open to different things in the religious areas. If a donkey can be All In of a Champion, listening to God, then we all can.
In the second example in the Word I want to look at another Champion that believed on Jesus without fail. This man is first spoken about in Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:40-56 and his name is Jairus.
See Jairus was another person who was just ordinary but did something that set him apart from others. Being a leader in the synagogue most times meant that you could not believe in Jesus or face expulsion. Jairus though had a dilemna, let his daughter die or let her live. There are times that we have dreams in the arts and entertainment areas of our lives but let our dreams die and never ask Jesus to step in. Many times we let our social media ideas go to the wayside because of fear of not succeeding. We see in these passages he did what was necessary when you go All In as a Champion. He fell to his feet and let Jesus handle it. Fall to your feet and let Jesus take care of your arts and entertainment ideas as well as your social media goals.It can be done if you do like Jairus and go All In as a Champion.
The last example of All In of a Champion I go to the Word and Acts 5:29-42 I see a Champion who would be the last person you would be a Champion, Gamaliel the Pharisee. The ruling council, wanted to kill Peter
Gamaliel spoke up in their defense. How many times have we been led by the Holy Spirit to open up our own businesses despite opposition from the naysayers. Or forgive our family members who may have done is wrong. If the Holy Spirit is leading you you cannot fail. He is the connection between God and us. Gamaliel, who did not profess a love for Christ went All In of Champion. We must as well.
In closing we are watched over by God, saved from our sins by the blood of Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. We can be effective in advancing the Word of God if we just trust in him. In the areas of arts and entertainment, business, education, family, government, media and religion these must be utilized to advance the kingdom. We all are Champions in our own way. If a donkey, a leader who acutally did not want to believe in Christ and a Pharisee can be led to do the right thing so can others. To God be the glory. I am a writer for I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. I am on blog talk radio with my show called Brand new week, Brand new attitude.with archived shows. Join me for my next blog Wednesday called Street Lights. Have a great week.
In being a Champion the worst times come before your best times. There are times when are behind in things that makes you unsure if you are a Champion. You hear the voices of the crowd that you are not still
on top. You have people who did no appreciate that you were on that pedestal who want to knock you down not appreciating they are already Champions. You have Champions in the world who can lie, deceive, destroy, take away and give you a doubt in your mind of who you really are. I would never forget I was told by someone that I would not amount to any body and took that to heart for many years. But when the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit re-entered into my life or actually when I allowed them back into my life I felt a renewed strength as if I was empowered by a strong force. As I spoke to my friend Ms. Kimberly Marion she reminded that me that as children of God it is not easy. But with continued faith and a determination to not only change the way I think and do things but to also get involved in the areas of education, business, media, arts and entertainment, family, religion, and government I could go All In of a Champion and make a big change in these areas. In the next three paragraphs I will give three examples of men who had the All In Of a Champion
In my first example of All In of a Champion I look in the Word and see in Numbers 22:5 the mention of Baalam, the son of Beor. This is the first we hear of this him. King Balak was very afraid of the
people Israel and goes to seek Baalam's assistance to curse the people ( Numbers 22:6 ). Baalam asks the Lord and he does not move because God tells him not to move. The interesting thing about Baalam is that he is not of Jewish descent so not only does he listen to God but obeys him. There are many instances of issues that affect our youth and we refuse to get involved education because our children are not involved, refuse to help our seniors because we count on the government to do that and because of our religious beliefs we refuse to obey God. Baalam got tempted by money and went against the wishes of God. But the Champion in this passage come into play in verse 23-30 when the ass talks to Baalam. Sometimes a donkey has more sense than a human being. Get involved in education for the youth are our future. Get involved with the government to make things better for our seniors. Open to different things in the religious areas. If a donkey can be All In of a Champion, listening to God, then we all can.
In the second example in the Word I want to look at another Champion that believed on Jesus without fail. This man is first spoken about in Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:40-56 and his name is Jairus.
See Jairus was another person who was just ordinary but did something that set him apart from others. Being a leader in the synagogue most times meant that you could not believe in Jesus or face expulsion. Jairus though had a dilemna, let his daughter die or let her live. There are times that we have dreams in the arts and entertainment areas of our lives but let our dreams die and never ask Jesus to step in. Many times we let our social media ideas go to the wayside because of fear of not succeeding. We see in these passages he did what was necessary when you go All In as a Champion. He fell to his feet and let Jesus handle it. Fall to your feet and let Jesus take care of your arts and entertainment ideas as well as your social media goals.It can be done if you do like Jairus and go All In as a Champion.
and the other apostles as they proclaimed their love for Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. But

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