I Love Lucy ( Loosey )

Good morning and Happy Friday. I feel so good that as I type this blog I am well on my way to catching up with my blogging. As we continue in the month of All In October based on 2nd Kings 19:14-19 and Isaiah 37:14-20 I look at something I used to enjoy in the past and bring it into present times. As a child of the television culture I used to love shows that dealt with comedy. I and my family loved to laugh. So if it was the Carol Burnett Show, my Mother's favorite, the Three Stooges, my favorite or any shows that my sisters watched or my Dad it was mostly dealing in comedy. One comic actress who I used to really like was Lucille Ball. She to me was a legend in the comic field to the type of comedy she did. Lucille Ball had many shows but my favorite was the show that starred not only her but Fred and Ethel Mertz and her real life husband, Ricky Ricardo. The show was chock full ( Yes I said chock full ) of funny scenes performed by Lucy. As I walk the streets of my neighborhood each day I am surrouded by people who also seemed to like Lucy. All I hear and see is I got loose squares ( single cigarettes ), loose booty ( prostitution ) and loose minds. I will get deeper in depth in I Love Lucy ( Loosey ).

All over the metro area I frequent there is this epidemic of the loosey. When I am in the suburbs I hear the word loose squares. When I am in the Chicago area I and am walking to the train I see people whose
understanding of issues seems to make them have loose minds. I see every where women are parading they bodies loosely in efforts to gain the attention of other men and in some cases other women and even men dressing loosely to gain the attention of women and other men. In going to my Dictionary.com as looking up the word loose I see where it means as follows; free from anything that binds or restrains; lacking in reticence or power of restraint; lacking moral or integrity. As we the people of God look at these definitions it our priority to change the areas that can help the looseness of the world. We have to be active in the areas of arts & entertainment, family, business, religion, education, media, and especially government. In the next 3 paragraphs I will look at the loose squares, the loose booty and the loose mind.

In the Chicago area you can get a two squares ( cigarettes ) for a dollar. The average person goes across the state line to Indiana to buy carton of cigarettes for $6.00 a pack and then come back to Illinois to make

a little more than $4.00 per pack. It is bad enough the tobacco companies are killing us slowly with this poison. Are young people are seeing us lighting up and  decide that cigarettes are for them as well. As people of faith and even those who read my blog who are not we have to realize the cascading that begins with smoking cigarettes. If you smoke cigarettes most times you may smoke weed or alcohol. That may lead to smoking crack or heroin. In Joshua 7:6-12 it tells of how the people of Israel blessings and dominance was stopped by the actions of one man, Achan. As a Christian I must get involved in the education of the bad things that squares/cigarettes do on the inside of people. In the area of family there has to a level of caring for your blood and at least supporting them with encouragement to stop smoking. I have many loved ones who I ask them when are they going to quit. I do not belittle them. We as Christians have to help those who may have cannot restrain or have anything that does not bind them from smoking.

The second area of the loosey is I want to focus on is the loose booty. In my hood there is a number of women who work the streets as way to make ends meet for their lives. I even wrote a blog called Domestic
Abuse on how most times we mentally abuse the women who do this for a living. In this blog I am not only writing about these women but men and women who just have looseness with their bodies in regards to sleeping with everyone. It seems, no actually sex has become the most sought after thing ever. Teens are making babies. Senior men are still fathering children. Men and women are making children with no responsible actions to along with the responsibility. There is no reticence or power of restraint. In Hosea 4:12-19 God speaks of turning his back on people who have turned their backs on him. As Christians we have to create and support those who want to be in the arts and entertainment world as a way to showcase their talents and a alternative to sex. An idle mind is the playground of Satan. We as Christians must get involved in the media to give the women who are looking for a sugar daddy stories about after the sugar daddy is gone and you have a child or even worst, a sexual transmitted disease. We as Christians need to religion not only to the streets to show the world we can restrain the enemy. There has to be a change in the area in the looseness of the attitude about sex.

In my last example of the loosey I look at what I have seen as people who have seemed to have lost all senses about themselves. I am now traveling mostly on public transportation and see a great deal of men and
women who deal with mental illness and the walk among us daily. They are suffering mentally so it is for us as Christians to pray for them constantly. In Luke 8:26-30 we are introduced to a man called Legion who lived in the tombs because he was possessed with many devils and the population separated themselves from him by chaining them up. We as Christians need to start businesses that can help provide ministry to them. It may not be glamorous but they need the word as well. We as Christians need to have the government do a better job of monitoring and helping these people because it could one day be one of us who society will think that we lack morals or integrity because we cannot think straight. We must change the looseness of the attitudes about the mentally ill and even physically challenged.
In closing the loosey attitudes of the world needs a serious adjustments about theses issues. In Matthew the 10th Chapter Jesus gives us charge to go out into the world and change the world.. You area may be to educate, become involved in the media, help out families, activate a arts and entertainment center or become involved in that area, having your business become more active in the community, write your elected leadership in government, or come up for fresher ideas for religion, change can occur. The women pictured above went into the streets to take the Word of God to those who love the loosey. They are doing what many others are doing as well. Change the attitude about Christians. I end with Hebrews 13:8. To God be all the glory. I want to thank God for giving me time to do this blog that I started on the 9th of this month. I have been in school and did not manage my time right. I am now better at that. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. I am a writer for thegeekchigmag.com, please check out our page. I have a radio show called Brand New Week. Brand new Attitude. I want to say thank you for all that read my blog. I want to thank Mrs. Faith Wimberly for allowing me to use the picture of her and the ladies hitting the street for the Lord. I speak over there lives peace and blessings. Join me for my next blog called Shut Em Down. Enjoy the rest of this week.


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