Light At The End Of The Tunnel (For Such a Time Such As This)
Good evening and Marvelous Monday. As we come to the month of For Such a Time As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11,13-14 one of the places that seemed to scary for me to drive when I had a car was a tunnel located on the expressway going towards the airport. The tunnel was not that big and had some lights but it was still mostly dark. When I finally got from under the tunnel there more light than before and it was better driving conditions. There are so many people who have no relationship with Christ and are going through some things that they have no clue to come out of it. We as the Body of Christ have to be that Light At The End Of The Tunnel (For Such a Time As This). When I was a teen I was in a tunnel in my life. I wanted to not be part of any light and wanted to not only be part of the darkness but wanted to excel in the darkness. I came from a good family but began to use drugs, sell drugs and become part of society that people did not like. I lived this ...