
Showing posts from November, 2015

Light At The End Of The Tunnel (For Such a Time Such As This)

Good evening and Marvelous Monday. As we come to the month of For Such a Time As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11,13-14 one of the places that seemed to scary for me to drive when I had a car was a tunnel located on the expressway going towards the airport. The tunnel was not that big and had some lights but it was still mostly dark. When I finally got from under the tunnel there more light than before and it was better driving conditions. There are so many people who have no relationship with Christ and are going through some things that they have no clue to come out of it. We as the Body of Christ have to be that Light At The End Of The Tunnel (For Such a Time As This). When I was a teen I was in a tunnel in my life. I wanted to not be part of any light and wanted to not only be part of the darkness but wanted to excel in the darkness. I came from a good family but began to use drugs, sell drugs and become part of society that people did not like. I lived this ...

The 3 E's (For Such A Time As This)

Good afternoon and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time Such As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11, 13,14, there is a disconnect between the people of my era and the youth of today. Our values centered on the church, working and family. The youth of today values are centered on instant gratification, hustling to survive and a fractured family unit. What we see as God's blessings they see as karma. What we know that is a covering of the blood of Jesus they call it fate that they were not shot or shot and lived to see another day. What we see as a family consisting of both parents they see single parents who are referred to as baby mama or baby daddy. We judge the youth harshly we they need The 3 E's from us (For Such A Time As This). The youth of today live in a world where no one understands them unless you speak their language. To them our values and mission is outdated and played out. They cannot see that God is watching over them ...

What Am I Going To Do.

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11,13-14, most of us have been in a situation that we had to defend something. In the public most of us show are displeasure for the politicians that we deem as unfit. In the streets we are caught between trying to do the right thing, knowing if we do there is little to no protection. In denominations we are caught up with trying to show that youth beliefs of what God means to man is the correct one. So when these situations of violence continue and we look for answers, should not the first question that we ask ourselves is this, What Am I Going To Do? The people that are see violence as an answer are ones that we have seen before. It was that person who should had been in school but was out on the block. It was that group of females on public transportation who cussed and disrespected their elders. It was the ones who are economically depressed area...

Layin In Da Cut (Not For Such a Time Such As This)

Good afternoon and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time Such As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11, 13,14, when I was a child I was baptized at Second Mt. Vernon Baptist Church by my godfather, Pastor R. H. Patton. My Dad was a deacon at the church and my Mom was one of the lead singers in the choir. I could tell you the books of the Bible by memory and I enjoyed going to church. When I got back around the people in my neighborhood they guys I knew, Carey W, Melvin, C, Darrell C, and Mike Jones,  knew I went to church. But they never knew I was a Christian, meaning that part of me was hidden. It seems like this has become part of the norm for the people of God, to not to want to put your Christianity out there. One could call it Layin In Da Cut (Not For Such A Time Such As This). As for those who may not know what the meaning of Layin In Da Cut means I will go to the urban dictionary to find it.Layin In Da Cut means; chilling, laying l...

I Will Not Bow Down

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11,13-14, I grew up with the thing that most of the young people today are growing up with and that is peer pressure. Peer pressure had me doing things that like skipping school, having an attitude toward any establishment and wanting less of myself. Now imagine the youth that not only has peer pressure but the pressures of not having enough, not having a parent involved in their upbringing, not having an equal chance. It seems to the youth that does not have anything, the only thing to do is bow down and give in. We as the people of God must step in and give them hope and the desire to say, I Will Not Bow Down. See the young people who have little to nothing are looking for a way out. Yes you have many success stories about how people have made it out of these dire situations and we should applaud them. But how about the young man who's only opt...

A Witness For The Light (For Such a Time As This)

Good afternoon and Fabulous Friday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time As This in November based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3, 5 and 4:10-11, 13-14, lately I have been questioned as if I have been placed on trial for my beliefs. How can you say who you are without a doubt I was asked? "Well if you want to know I was addicted to cigarettes at the age of twelve, had my first beer around the same time, graduated to weed, tac, snorted cocaine, took pcp, took pills, drank rock gut alcohol and top shelf, been with many women including while I was married and some who were married as well, but was saved from all that by one man. So yes I can say without a doubt, I am A Witness For the Light". The judges were stunned by answers but then asked for me to tell them more. "There were so many times that I drove home drunk and high out of my mind and not once did I run anyone over or get pulled over for a DUI. There was the time when me and my best friend Mike Jones w...

It's Your Responsiblity ( For Such A Time As This)

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. As we continue in the month of For Such a Time As This based on Esther 2:7-9, 3:2-3,5 and 4:10-11,13-14, there is a mentorship program where I work at that has the employees be mentors to students from the inner city. This program teaches the children such this as the supply chain, a chance to build a project of things that interest them and a chance to present that project to a group of strangers. It is a great program but some of the students who enrolled in the program had to drop out because of safety concerns of getting home after the program. That blew me away. As men and woman we have to make sure our future generations have the best chance to make it, It's Your Responsibility ( For Such a Time As This). These children were denied the chance to get a chance to see what the supply chain does and how it is valued in the business world and recruited for in bunches. But the lack of involvement in the  community, some children could not...

Our Father Has Got This

Good afternoon and Happy Friday. As we continue you in the Year of Our Father based on Isaiah 64:7-9, Luke 11:2-4 and 1st John 3:1-3 Many of us are coming into that land of worry. See once the holidays season is in full effect some of us begin to fret over what to do. We wonder how can we buy gifts for our love ones and still be able to pay rent. We wonder how we can afford to invite family over to our house when there is a pending foreclosure. We get depressed as our health will not allow us to celebrate like we used to. And if it is not any of those things it is something else. But please know that no matter what is going on, Our Father Has Got This. One of the best tricks that the enemy has is to try to shake your faith. When he is able to do that he is then able to shape any situation to make it seem like it is the worse thing ever. Once he has done this then other things come such as doubt, insecurity and sense of lack of everything. But when you are in a relationship with...

For Such a Time Such As This (Theme for the month)

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. We began this yeat by making our lives Drama Free in January and Renewed in February. We began Onboarding in March and in April we petitioned God to Hear Our Prayers. In the month of June we basked in the Evidence of Our Faith and then we began an Integration in July. We also had  Foreseeability in August and Breach of Contract in September. In October we celebrated that we were Champions (Still) based on Judges 1:2-4, Matthew 21:9-11 and 1st Corinthians 2:10-12. So now there only 60 days left in the year and we have come to the point that all we have went through has now made us stronger and prepared to lead the world into a better place. The time is now and we are here For Such a Time as This. Now whether you share or do not share the POTUS view about guns that is not the issue. The issue is that all over the world killing has become routine and an afterthought....