The Breaking of a Champion (Still)
Good morning and Happy Thursday. As we continue in the month of Champions (Still) in October based on Judges 1:2-4, Matthew 21:9-11 and 1st Corinthians 2:10-12 on one day this week I had a dream that I had a visitor come into my home that was uninvited. My son Marvell was there along with my nephew James but this other man I did not know. This man when questioned by me refused to leave and I was beginning to question if I had the strength in me to get this strange man out of my life. To me this was the start of The Breaking of a Champion (Still). As I continued dreaming I could finally get a visual of the man. Although I could not see his face clearly I saw where the man had one good arm and another arm that had a hook attached to it. Each time that I went to talk to the man he got more and more beligerent. I was worried more so about my son and nephew than I was about myself. He just ignored my pleas. He was continuing The Breaking of a Champion (Still). As I come into the ...