Refusal to Listen to Our Father ( A Breach of Contract).

Good and Turnt Up Tuesday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the Year of Our Father based on Isaiah 64:7-9, Luke 11:2-4 and 1st John 3:1-3 and in the month of Breach of Contract in September based on Deuteronomy 1:32-35, 1st Samuel 13:12-14 and Romans 10:18, 20-21 my Uncle Lee gave me a nickname called Knucklehead. When he nicknamed me that he must have knew that I was going to be a person who would not listen. One of the people that I had trouble listening to my Father. Even though he was a big provider of the household I wanted to do things on my own. When I got older he wanted me to go to church and I did not want to go and refused to listen to him. Many of us are afraid to go places that Our Father has told us to go because of various reasons. We are in Breach of Contract when there is a Refusal to Listen to Our Father.
In looking up refusal I go to my source of definitions and that is The word refusal means, the act of refusing. priority of refusing and complete resistance to. Our Father has given many
of us instructions where to go and are in the act of refusing him. Some of us are still in the priority of refusing the assignments he has given us. And even more are in complete resistance to the changes God wants to implement. Refusal to Listen to Our Father ( Breach of Contract). This teaching is based on the 1st base scripture of the month, Deuteronomy 1:32-35.
As we come into this teaching of Refusal to Listen to Our Father I go to the Word of God and Deuteronomy 1:32. In this verse it tells of how the people of Israel were in the act of refusing when
they did not believe God after all he had done, In Genesis the 1st chapter we can see that Our Father created everything yet we refuse to go into areas such as arts and entertainment, business and education to affect change. Refusal to Listen to Our Father (A Breach of Contract).
As we continue with this teaching of Refusal to Listen to Our Father I go back to the Word of God and Deuteronomy 1:33. In this verse we see where God had already showed them everything they
needed and they still made it a priority of refusing his guidance. In Genesis 22:1-18 we see where the faith of Abraham gave the people multiplication of things. We as the people of God have a priority of refusing Our Father who knows we should be in government and also helping the family unit regain strength. Refusal to Listen to Our Father (Breach of Contract).
As we come to the conclusion of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Refusal to Listen to Our Father I go to Deuteronomy 1:34-35. In these verses we see where God heard the people of Israel
complete resistance to there moving into the promise land and none of them would live to see it. In Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph dreamed of the greatness God had for him. Many of in complete resistance to  the greatness that can occur with changes happening in religion and others are afraid of to minister the Word of God on social media. Refusal to Listen to Our Father ( A Breach of Contract).
In conclusion we as the people of God have been given instructions on starting that faith based television show, that new sweet goods business, that home school that teaches the Word of God, running for the local school board to affect changes there, beginning a family based culture, looking to expand your ministry without walls and begin a social media site that spreads the gospel of Christ. God created everything so there should never be any acts of refusing. His promise to us if we are faithful far outweigh any priority of refusing. And with the greatness of God there should never be any complete resistance to anything. Do not be a Knucklehead. Refusal to Listen to Our Father cannot continue or we will be in Breach of Contract. I give God all the honor and glory for this teaching. I ask him to bless all. Please join me later this week for a teaching called Anything Less Won't Do. And when you can please go to Rhema Word We've Come This Far By Faith.


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