Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude. The past is the past. The future unlimited. As we continue in the month of Foreseeability in August based on Daniel 12:1-3, Zechariah 8:7-9 and Revelations 10:9-11 one of the things that I do everyday is encourage people. Although I am a part of the Body of Christ, I do not beat people down with scriptures. Being a positive person is what the life of a believer should be. But even if that is not your gift, there are other gifts you may have such as song, dance, teaching, healing, mentoring and prophesying that needs you to give it your best. Our duty is to deliver others to righteousness and when we do this we are Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
As we begin this teaching I want to define the two words of the title and that is Shining and Brightly. I go to my source of definitions and that is The word shining means as follows;
radiant; gleaming, brilliant. The word brightly means as follows, vivid; filled with light and lively. We as members of the Body of Christ should exude each of these definitions apart but when we put them together we can do our assignment and bring others to Christ as our lives are Shining Brightly. This teaching will be coming from the 1st base scripture of the month, Daniel 12:1-3.
As we come into the Word of God for this teaching of Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star) I begin with Daniel 12:1. In this verse Daniel has a vision of times being harder than ever before but
sees that everyone who is connected to God will be delivered from the harsh judgement by an angel, Michael, from these hard times. Being a part of God should others see your radiance so vividly that they want to be included in the book as well. Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
As we continue this teaching of Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star) we back to the Word of God and Daniel/ In this verse it tells of how it the days to come that there will be some who will
awake to be part of the everlasting life and others who will awake to shame and contempt. As members of the Body of Christ we should gleaming so much that others will see that we filled with light and want to be part of the everlasting life. Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion for this teaching of Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star) I go to Daniel 12:3. In this verse it speaks of those who are connected to God will be wise and
they are going to shining brightly like stars forever and ever as they have turned others to the Body of Christ. Our assignment calls for us to brilliant and lively so more and more want to be connected to God. Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
In conclusion we as the Body of Christ should be the happiest people in the universe. See God has made us so special that when we are in his glory we are the Foreseeablility of a Star. Others will want to know why we are Shining Brightly, not just one day but forever and ever. These are hard times but God has angels protecting us. We are privileged to have everlasting life. But what will set us apart is how many people we bring to the Body of Christ in whatever way we can. My gift is going to be different than yours but I am going to be Shining Brightly. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Above and Beneath. Also join me later this week for a teaching called I Did Not See That Coming. Have a great week all.
radiant; gleaming, brilliant. The word brightly means as follows, vivid; filled with light and lively. We as members of the Body of Christ should exude each of these definitions apart but when we put them together we can do our assignment and bring others to Christ as our lives are Shining Brightly. This teaching will be coming from the 1st base scripture of the month, Daniel 12:1-3.
sees that everyone who is connected to God will be delivered from the harsh judgement by an angel, Michael, from these hard times. Being a part of God should others see your radiance so vividly that they want to be included in the book as well. Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
awake to be part of the everlasting life and others who will awake to shame and contempt. As members of the Body of Christ we should gleaming so much that others will see that we filled with light and want to be part of the everlasting life. Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
they are going to shining brightly like stars forever and ever as they have turned others to the Body of Christ. Our assignment calls for us to brilliant and lively so more and more want to be connected to God. Shining Brightly (Foreseeability of a Star).
In conclusion we as the Body of Christ should be the happiest people in the universe. See God has made us so special that when we are in his glory we are the Foreseeablility of a Star. Others will want to know why we are Shining Brightly, not just one day but forever and ever. These are hard times but God has angels protecting us. We are privileged to have everlasting life. But what will set us apart is how many people we bring to the Body of Christ in whatever way we can. My gift is going to be different than yours but I am going to be Shining Brightly. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Above and Beneath. Also join me later this week for a teaching called I Did Not See That Coming. Have a great week all.
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