Foreseeability of Enduring

Good afternoon and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited.  As we continue in the month of Foreseeability in August based on Daniel 12:1-3, Zechariah 8:7-9 and Revelation 10:9-11 in majoring in HR I have to be able to have foreseeability in that area. I am going to have to be able to reasonably anticipate potential results of a potential actions. There are times that I have to know what happens if there is a negligent act.  In our walk of faith we know in our connection with God that we all can reasonably expect so great things as results of our actions when we have the Foreseeability of Enduring.
As we come into this teaching I want to define the word enduring and I go to my source of definitions and that is The word enduring means as follows; lasting, permanent, patient. See as
members of the Body of Christ we can reasonably expect that what God does will be lasting, permanent but we have to exhibit patience at times. The Foreseeability of Enduring.
As we come into the Word of God for this teaching of Foreseeability of Enduring we go to 1st Peter 1:22. In this verse we have made our souls pure obeying the through the Spirit and love all sincerely
with a pure heart. We have to know that the outcome can only be lasting when we obey the Spirit and give love to each and everyone we come in contact with. Foreseeability of Enduring.
As we continue this teaching of Foreseeability of Enduring I go back to the Word of God and 1st Peter 1:23. In this verse that once we were born again we now have the Word of God that lives in us
forever. As member of the Body of Christ once that change happens we know that the outcome is that the we permanently have the Word of God within us. Foreseeability of Enduring.
As we come to the end of this Biblical teaching of Foreseeability of Enduring I go to 1st Peter 1:24-25. In these verses it speaks of how the glory of man fades away but the Word of God endures
forever. We can see the outcome of being patient as those who may ahead of us now and not connected to the Body of Christ will fade away but we shall endure by having being taught the Word of God.
In conclusion we as the people of God must bask in the knowledge that we have the Foreseeability of Enduring. We have to enjoy that having the Word of God inside us is lasting, permanent and at times we have to have patient. We know these outcomes to be true as long as our actions are not negligents. Foreseeability of Enduring. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please join me next month for the theme of September and if you have time please go the Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Just In the Nick of Time.Have a great week all and good job this month.


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