Illegal Activities

Good afternoon and Happy Saturday. As we continue these teachings in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 in my younger days I would participate in things that may not have been right, I would shake the dice  hoping for a 7 or 11 or try to hit my point so that I could take money from opponent(s). I would participate in bullying. I would even try my hand at selling drugs but being a user that did not work. All these things were Illegal Activities in the eyes of the law. We as a people of God have to come out of some of the older practices that once worked and into the newness that is Christ. We have to discontinue being involved in Illegal Activities
As we come into the body of this teaching there are things happening in the world that makes it seem
Illegal Activities are okay. We focus on illegal immigration for those crossing the border but there 
are some living here on expired visas. We celebrate the places  pot is legal but the money earned cannot be put into any federally insured banks because it is illegal. We find wallets and return what we think we should. We have come to accept certain Illegal Activities and look away at others.
In going to the Word of God for this teaching of Illegal Activities I go to Hebrews 10:1-2. In these verses it tells of how the people of God lived in the law and one of those laws was animal sacrifice.
Year after year believers would do this but still had a conscious to sin. In order to get into the newness of Christ we have to put away things that are not of him. Illegal Activities.
As we continue this teaching of Illegal Activities we go to the Word of God and Hebrews 10:3-4. In these verses it tells of when the people offered these sacrifices that it only reminded them of sin and
that is was never possible for animal blood to take away sins. We as the Body of Christ continue do things in a manner that is not of Christ and these things have to cease. Illegal Activities.
As we come into the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Illegal Activities I go to Hebrews 10:5-10. In these verses it speaks of how God sent Jesus into the world to become a living sacrifice
and to cleanse us all of sin. We as the Body of Christ have to know be thankful that God sent Jesus for this purpose and we can all be taken away from Illegal Activities.
In closing this teaching is not an indictment of any person or church organization. It is a reminder that Jesus came to fulfill the law. Our jobs are to Integrate the gospel of Christ to others with the understanding of this. You are going to have some in the world who think that Jesus was not the Messiah and will continue to want to abide by the laws that seem to fit there lifestyle. Their are still some who offer animal sacrifices. Like there are still some who live in the country after their visas expire, some who sell drugs to others and even those who shoot dice on the streets. The are Illegal Activities and will be a hindrance for any one to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please join me on Monday for a teaching that is not as yet named. And join me later today for a teaching from Rhema Word 2.0 called Among the Thorns, Have a great weekend all.


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