Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit)

Good afternoon and Happy Friday. As we come to the end of these teachings in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 whenever you attempt to go out of the realm of the normal people always have something to say. I remember when I was going to school to become a Sunday School teacher and one of my classmates had mentioned she was taking the course so she could begin a prison ministry. Some around the class looked around and laughed privately. This is where God has led her to go but because it is not what others wanted to do they made fun of it. As we continue to Integrate the Word of God be prepared for Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit).
As I come into the body of this teaching I want to begin by defining the word criticism. I go to my source of definitions and that is Criticism means as follows; the act of  passing
severe judgment. As we continue to spread the gospel in non-traditional way, there are going to be some that want to hold on to the way things were. Criticism Awaits (Integration of the Holy Spirit). This teaching will be based on the last base scripture of the month of Integration in July, Acts 11:15-17.
Coming into the Word of God for this teaching of Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit I begin in Acts 11:15. In this verse Peter is telling the leaders of the church the story of the conversion of
Cornelius, who was a Roman centurion, See the leaders of the church we passing severe judgment that the gospel of Christ was meant only for the chosen people but Peter explained to them that was not so as the Holy Spirit abounded on Cornelius and his family. Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit).
Moving forward in this teaching of Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit) I go to the Word of God and Acts 11:16. In this verse Peter remembers that Jesus spoke of how John baptized with water
but how they now will be baptized by the Holy Spirit. There were probably still a few people who wanted to pass severe judgment on what Peter was doing. Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit).
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching of Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit) I go to Acts 11:17, In this verse Peter speaks of how when he and others believed God
actually sent Jesus to die for their sins, they received the Holy Spirit and how God led him to go to the Gentiles and extend this gift to them as well. And we do know there were some there who were passing severe judgment of Peter. Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit).
In closing please know that in everything that you do that is against the norm Criticism Awaits. You can be a comedian who does a clean show and still be a part of the Body of Christ. You can do a social media site that teaches the gospel of Christ in a unconventional way. You can have that prison or street or even church ministry if that is what Holy Spirit compelled you to do. Once saved we are led by the Holy Spirit and our mission is to spread the gospel of Christ WHEREVER so that others may have the gift of the Holy Spirit. Yes other will pass severe judgment but that means you doing something right. Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit). I want to give God all the glory and honor for I did not think I would even have time to do these teachings but he made it possible. Please join me Monday for the theme of the month of August. Also please go to Rhema Word 2.0 to read a teaching by the Children's Pastor of Valley Kingdom Ministries International, Sabrina Williams called Keeping Your Spirit Hot For God During the Summer. Have a great weekend all.


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