Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It)
Good morning and Happy Saturday. As we come into the last teaching in the month of Evidence in May based on Acts 4:15-17, Philippians 1:12-14 and Hebrews 11:1-3 when I was a boy and stayed on 101st and St. Lawrence I went to a grammar school called Bennett that was approximately one mile from my house. Each day from 2nd grade to 4th grade, no matter if it was cold, warm or hot I had to walk to this school. I had a companion named Sharon L. who would walk with me each day to and from school. Our parents trusted that we could make this walk even though we could not defend ourselves from a predatory adult at the age that we were. As children we did not understand that there could have been dangers out there, we just wanted to go to school. But our parents had faith that there would nothing that would happen to us. As members of the Body of Christ we must be that Evidence of Faith ( You Gotta Have It). When Sharon and I began to wake up and get ready for school there was never a time ...