Our Father Hears Our Prayers.

Good afternoon and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitudes. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Hear Our Prayers in April based on 2nd Chronicles 6:38-40, Psalms 130:1-6 and Daniel 9:16-19 when I became an adult I had little use for the instructions of my parents. I did not want to hear about saving money or being a responsible parent I just wanted to do me and in a since I did. I continued to smoke weed everyday and some days snort a little cocaine. I continued to drink the best alcohol and beer when I could afford it and when I could not I drank what I could get my hands on. I manuavered and lied to sleep with as many women as I could even if I was in a relationship or married. I did not want to do anything that made sense or if it was the right thing to do. I am so glad that I was able to have God come to my rescue when I needed him. Our Father Hears Our Prayers.
See I know that I am not the only one who not only drew away from instruction not only from our parents but also from God. We get a little money, we get a little fame, we get a little big headed and
seek to move from God and into our own understanding. That is until things begin to go wrong and then we come back to the one that is there for us all the time. Our Father Hears Our Prayers. This teaching is based on the 1st base scripture of the Year of Our Father, Isaiah 64:7-9.
As we go to the Word of God for this teaching of Our Father Hears Our Prayers I begin in Isaiah 64:7. In this verse the writes speaks of how the people of his time has begun to not seek the Lord for
guidance and their sins has caused them to have God not be there for them. We as men and women of the Body of Christ must step up and have a active prayer life. Our Father Hears Our Prayers.
As we continue in the Word of God for this teaching of Our Father Hears Our Prayers I go to Isaiah 64:8. In this verse the writer speaks of how God is the potter and we are the clay, the works of his
hands. We as the Body of Christ must remember that God made us the men and women we are today and we should want those that do not know him learn about him and prayer is a way to do this. Our Father Hears Our Prayers.
As we come to the end of the Biblical portion of this teaching we go to Isaiah 64:9. In this passage the writer prays to God to forgive them and to not be mad at them because they are the people of
God. We as the Body of Christ have to come together as one to pray not only for the things we have done or nay seek but pray for everyone because we all are his people and this can change how the world looks at God. Our Father Hears Our Prayers.
In closing I know that Our Father Hears Our Prayers as he brought me out from a life of sin and destruction. As I continue to strive to do better I must admit I need to have an active prayer life. I do not go to God to intercede for others as I should. I could be better in asking others to pray with me as I pray for them. I have to remember that each person on this earth is a child of God rather the believe in God or not. I know Our Father Hears Our Prayers so I need to make sure I am praying daily. I give God all the honor and glory for this teaching and to bless all those who may read this and even those who do not. Please join me Saturday for a teaching called Prayer Request. Have a great week. And please go to Rhema Word 2.0 for a teaching called Tha Block is Hot.


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