Intervention ( Retention Strategy)

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Onboarding in March based on Deuteronomy 6:5-9, John 10:25-30 and 1st Corinthians 1:18-24 one of the main issues that plague businesses of today is being able to keep their top employees. See in the Onboarding Process orientation and training is very important but being able to keep the employee is a challenge. We always think of other companies coming in and swiping talent but most times it is the organizations culture that plays a big part on whether a person wants to stay with the company or not. Some have strict rules when it comes to getting your vacation time. So allow mischief and conflict to be a part of their culture. And then even others have found more people coming on the then at work than on the streets. People of faith have experienced some of these things in their churches and instead of going to attend somewhere else the leave the Body of Christ altogether. It is time for a Intervention ( Retention Strategy).
As we get into this teaching I want to define the word intervention and I go to my source of definitions and that is The word intervention means as follows; to come between
disputing people; to occur incidentally so as to modify or hinder; and to intercede. We as the people of God must do a better job of doing these things or people will come and leave soon after or sometime later after they have accepted Christ.

As we go into the Word of God for this teaching of Intervention I go to Genesis 18:22-26. In this passage God has condemned the lands of Sodom and Gomorrah for all of the bad things that they 
were doing but Abraham pleads for God to spare some of the people. We as the people of God need to come between disputes between those who have issues with a particular place of worship and let them know there are other choices and to not discouraged. Intervention ( Retention Strategy).
As I continue in the Word of God for this teaching of Intervention I go 1st Kings 1:22-30. In this passage of scripture we see where the son of David, Adonijah, attempts to take the kingdom away
Solomon. We see where Nathan comes to intervene on the behalf of Bathsheba and Solomon. We as the people of God have to incidentally modify the opinions of those who have had a bad experience at a church. We must perform a Intervention ( Retention Strategy).
As we use one more example from the Word of God for the teaching of Intervention I go to Luke 23:32-43. In this passage of scriptures we see where Jesus is fulfilling his promise but has two other
people who are being put to death. Although one criminal attempts to tempt Jesus the other one believes and is not able to enter into the kingdom of God. We as a people of God have to continue to intercede for those who are part of the Body of Christ but are not happy with their situation. Intervention ( Retention Strategy).
We as the Body of Christ need to be aware of the ways of the enemy. There must be times that we reach out to those who have had a bad experience in the Body of Christ. In Acts 15:1-29 there was a dispute that was settled by the people of God coming together and doing a Intervention. In 2nd Timothy 3:13-17 it speaks of people attempting to deceive you and take you away from your salvation but we must be ready to provide Intervention. And in Hebrews 4:11-13 it tells us to be diligent in the Word of God so that we can be a Intervention for others A Retention Strategy in the Onboarding Process. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and ask him to bless all those who may read this teaching. Please go to Rhema Word 2.0 to read the teaching called the Good Example Part 1. Please join me on Saturday for a teaching called Training for Understanding coming from the last base scripture of the month, 1st Corinthians 1:18-24. Have a great week all.


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