Sometimes It Seems You Are Alone ( If You Are About That Life)

Good morning and Happy Saturday. As we continue in the month of I'm About That Life based on Daniel 6:16-22, Amos 5:4-8 and Galatians 2:17-21 on most days when I leave to go to work I am excited and as happy as can be. I look forward to the challenges of whats ahead of me no matter which of the two jobs I am currently employed at. I am enjoying the fact that the courses I am taking now, Immigrants in American Cities and Compensation and Benefits, ( Please go to the Rhema Word 2.0 blog to see a teaching on Compensation and Benefits. Although I take public transportation I am thrilled to be able to be going somewhere were there is a purpose. At times I stand on my job for a few hours at a time and have to deal with some attitudes that are not pleasing but I could be at home watching Judge Judy and have no income. I am thankful for each day I am alive. But as I look around me and see others that are so despondent, Sometimes It Seems Like I Am All Alone.
Sometimes it feels like I am alone as  smile and speak positive words over those I work with. Sometimes I feel all alone as I pray over my neighborhood and ask that it be stripped of poverty and
crime. Sometimes I feel like I am all alone as I see the homeless and the uneducated go down a path I wish that I could save them from. I want them to find God but Sometimes It Seem You Are All Alone.
As I go into the Word of God to someone else that seemed he was alone I begin in Jeremiah 18:18-20. In these verses Jeremiah is being plotted against by those in power who did not want to hear his
message that he was given by God. Jeremiah was trying to get the people to change before God changed the situation. That it the plight of many of the people of faith. Sometimes It Seem You Are All Alone.          
In continuing in this teaching of Sometimes It Seems You Are Alone I go to the Word of God and to Jeremiah 19:14-15 and Jeremiah 20:1-2. In 19:14-15 Jeremiah again speaks the words God has given
him. But in 20:1-2 Jeremiah was not only hit by Pashur, the chief governor of the church, but also place in jail because of what he was saying. When we see our family members fall by the wayside Sometimes It Seems You Are All Alone.
In going to the Word of God for the last example of Sometimes It Seems You Are All alone I go to Jeremiah 28:5-11. After Jeremiah spoke what God told him to say in the house of the Lord the people
in charge, mainly Hananiah disputed his word and broke the yoke that Jeremiah had on his neck. At times we know that God us a ministry but we let others dispute it. Sometime It Seems You Are All Alone.
In closing we as believers want to begin our arts and entertainment ventures, open our own businesses, look at investing in our own social media sites, change some of the restricted practices of religion that are not helping advance the kingdom, start that educational process that will help children and adults, promote family unity for each and every race, creed and color, and make moves to have governments be responsive to our needs, be we feel all alone. In Isaiah 41:10 God tells us we are never alone. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus after he has risen tells us that he is with us always. In John 14:16-17, Jesus tells of the helper, the Holy Spirit, dwelling with us always. ( If You Are About That Life of Christ) Sometimes It Will Seem You Are Alone. But you are never alone. Remember that. May God bless all those who may read this and those who may not have the chance or chose not to. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching. Please join me on Monday for the last teaching in the month of I'm About That Life called Christ Lives In Me ( As I Am About His Life ) coming from the last base scripture of the month, Galatians 2:17-21. Have a great day.


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