Don't In April
Good morning and Thankful Thursday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. We have Moved In January based on Genesis 12:1-3, Ezekiel 37: 10-13 and Matthew 26:52-54 and there were the Notifications in February based on Exodus 7:1-3, 1st Kings 22:19-23 and Luke 10:2-6 and Marched In based on Joshua 3:7-10 and Mark 11:7-10. Progress has been made all across the board. For some moving to a new place in God has been great. To others giving notifications of what and where God has brought you has been the best thing ever. And for others who have marched into healing, breakthrough and blessings the year has started out great. But this is the 2nd quarter of the year and any gains we may have seen can be easily taken away by the least negative thing. This is why we must be on guard for any and everything and we must not give in to the foolery. This month is themed Don't In April.
In looking up the definition of the word don't I go to my source of definitions and that is The word don't means as follows; customs rules or regulations that forbid something. We as a people of God can
In beginning Don't In April I go to the Word of God to Judges 16:15-19. In this passage the strength of Samson is so great that his enemies have to have some one close to him, Delilah, to betray him. We as a
people of God tell some people as a custom our business and our secrets and they want to not congratulate but used what you have said against you. Please be wary for all that you think are for you may not be. Don't In April.
In looking at the Word of God at Don't In April I go Jeremiah 26:12-15. In this passage Jeremiah has been taken into custody by giving the words that God gave him to who God told him to tell it to. This month God
has some places that he wants you to go to advance the kingdom by not being bound by rules. Nursing homes, family members, the streets or even in the church itself. We cannot limit or cannot forget that the kingdom advancing helps all. Don't In April.
In looking at the last base scriptures of Don't In April I go to John 12:9-11. In this passage it deals with Lazarus who is the poster child of some one being raised from the dead. His enemies wanted to kill him again
to keep people from believing on Jesus. Your dreams can still be achieved this year and you have been free from sin and bondage and raised from the dead things in your life. Never go back. Don't In April.
As I come to the conclusion don't let the customs of the enemy bring you down as you attempt to do things in the areas of arts and entertainment, business and social media. Don't let the rules of religion and government stop you from advancing the kingdom by doing what God has given you to do. And do not let regulations of education and family prevent you from raising dead issues and freeing them from sin. This can never happen but Don't In April is the first place to take a stand and keep the enemy away. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and I ask him to bless all those who may read this blog and provide a healing. Please join me Monday for blog called Don't Question ( In a Healing ). Have a great weekend. And if you can please go to the Rhema Word 2.0 blog where there are great teachings by myself as well as others. And if you have more time you can go to and under the heading of prayer see blogs I have done for the website.
get caught up in the customs of some folks and lose what we have. We also can follow rules that hinder what God wants us to do. And regulations of the world can prevent us from receiving a renewed life. We have
gained a lot. Based on the next three passages of scriptures Don' In April.people of God tell some people as a custom our business and our secrets and they want to not congratulate but used what you have said against you. Please be wary for all that you think are for you may not be. Don't In April.
has some places that he wants you to go to advance the kingdom by not being bound by rules. Nursing homes, family members, the streets or even in the church itself. We cannot limit or cannot forget that the kingdom advancing helps all. Don't In April.
to keep people from believing on Jesus. Your dreams can still be achieved this year and you have been free from sin and bondage and raised from the dead things in your life. Never go back. Don't In April.
As I come to the conclusion don't let the customs of the enemy bring you down as you attempt to do things in the areas of arts and entertainment, business and social media. Don't let the rules of religion and government stop you from advancing the kingdom by doing what God has given you to do. And do not let regulations of education and family prevent you from raising dead issues and freeing them from sin. This can never happen but Don't In April is the first place to take a stand and keep the enemy away. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and I ask him to bless all those who may read this blog and provide a healing. Please join me Monday for blog called Don't Question ( In a Healing ). Have a great weekend. And if you can please go to the Rhema Word 2.0 blog where there are great teachings by myself as well as others. And if you have more time you can go to and under the heading of prayer see blogs I have done for the website.
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