Moving With Authority.

Good morning and Happy Thursday. As we are coming to the close of the month of Move in January based on Genesis 12:1-3, Ezekiel 37:10-13 and Matthew 26:52-54 its seems when there is authority around there seems a be a change in the atmosphere. A case in point is that I stay on a block where there seems to be a lot of activity involving illegal things. The people on the block have those who watch out for customers to come and purchase the products that available on the block. There is also many people who look out to make sure their activities are not interrupted by any unforeseen circumstances. One of the circumstances that causes problems is when there is police presence. This in effect closes down all activity. Sometimes the police comes riding down the block. Sometimes they sit in a area where they can see the whole block. Sometimes they even stop to search and question those on the block. See when authority enters the bad things on the block cease. We as Christians have to know this in our year and Move With Authority.
A great many of us walk through life as if we have no power or dominion over anything. Though we have the Trinity with us at all times we still at times cannot deal with the wayward teens, the bosses that do not want
reward us for our hard work or the other problems and issues that seem to plague us daily. We pray, we fast and we even read the Bible daily and there is seems to be nothing getting better. God has given something that we seem to forget and that is authority. Using the last base scriptures of the month Matthew 26:52-54 I want to show you how we can Move With Authority.
In going to the Word of God to see one way to Move With Authority I go to Matthew 26:52. In this scripture Jesus  is about to put in prison for crimes he did not commit. Peter wanted to show his
authority by a violent act ( verse 51 ). But as Christians we do not need weapons to have God remove things from our lives. In fact when we do of the world and think like the world our authority is of the world. Move With Authority to change the world not to be like the world.
In looking at the next example of Moving With Authority I go to Matthew 26:53 and in this passage Jesus tells of how much the power that God has. More than enough. Our walk daily is filled with things that we
could have removed just like that. Marriages could be repaired. Finances renewed. Faith restored. This is the power that we possess but if we fail to tap into them and start Moving With Authority then the world cannot begin to change.

In looking at Moving With Authority I go to Matthew 26:54 and see that Jesus would only obtain authority over all things by completing the assignment given to him by God. This was the only way we could be saved

was by the scriptures being fulfilled. Most times in order to have authority over some things we have to allow the plans that God has for our live to come to pass before we can go into our destiny. Moving With Authority comes when it is part of God's plan.
In closing these three scriptures show how we as children of God can Move With Authority without things of the earth. We as people of God have many angels looking over us daily and can always as God our Father, Jesus our mediator and the Holy Spirit to shake some things up if necessary but it has to to be for the greater good. And finally there is a plan that we cannot see but God is doing things for a purpose. I pray that all have been blessed by this teaching and as we move forward we shall  Move With Authority. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching and congratulations on Moving in January. It has been a tough month as some good people have already left this earth but as I said earlier God has a purpose for everything. Please join me next month for a new theme. Have a great weekend.


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