
Showing posts from September, 2013

Acts of Confidence.

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we end the month of Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and Acts 28:25-27 there is nothing in this world that I cannot do. I have passed a math class without the aid of a book I lost a while ago and although I got a C out of the class I feel great. I have not only found a better position at my current job but I am also getting benefits next month and I found a part-time job that will make up for some of the pay cut I have taken. I have a way to finally finish my book and do my blogs in peace. I have gotten better in my writing as I take my time and go over my errors. At this time if I ran a marathon I know I would win because I am brimming with something I never thought I had. I have the Acts of Confidence. In looking up the word confidence I once again go to my source of reference and that is And the word confidence means as follows; ful...

Extreme Makeover ( Arts & Entertainment )

Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I was watching television the other day and saw a commercial for what was a show that grew on called Hawaii Five-O. There is a new television show called Sleepy Hollow which is based on a book and numerous television programs on the same subject. There are remakes of so many movies like Scream. Each "faith based play " cost so so much to go see ( not including parking ) that it almost like taking a mini vacation. In the faith based community there are so may creative minds that it is not funny. I go to Youtube and find so many people with talent but the only things that seem to go viral is someone doing something stupid or outrageous. People are on the edge for faith based shows. It is time we have an Extreme Makeover for Arts and Entertainment.  We as people of faith have got a voice that needs to be heard. Too many times we have ideas for televisi...

Acts of Boldness

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I remember when I applied for a security position at a transient hotel. I went in looking for a part-time position but came out with the title of Security/Hospitality Director. The hotel had a problem with drugs, prostitutes and people selling alcohol illegally. In order to make ends meet the hotel also had to rent out to those who were transitioning from mental institutions to back in society. Now there had been security groups who worked there before but were unable to move out the elements of crime or deal with the mental patients. But I was able to clear out the whole hotel by coming up with a approach that was never thought of and that was be positive but firm. It was a bold answer to a problem and even those who worked with me doubted. If you actually want real change you must do thing...

Acts of Jesus

Good morning and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I have been under intense pressure from each and every position in my life. I have seen things mount up to where it seems like I cannot see the forest for the trees. I do not know up from down. I want to just crawl up in a ball and cry. I do not even see a way out of the position I am because the problems keep coming even when it seems like my head is above water. I want to exercise but my body will not let me. Even though I am have met a wonderful person I am still nowhere near feeling good about myself or even close to approaching more at this time. Even though I will publish this blog later as I write this it is one of the worst days in America history and my youngest son Marcus birthday. I then come to my senses finally and now know who I should have been calling all along I should have been calling for the Acts of Jesus. Many times we as people of fait...

Acts of a Champion

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in this month of Acts in September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I began this form of teaching last year. Although I was supposed to teach in the classroom I have found what I can do well to help advance the kingdom of God. On the day that I am writing this I feel well and am just filled with the Holy Spirit. You ever get that feeling that you are just winning at everything that you do. That is how I feel today. Problems are rampant in my life but that is all the time. In each life there is going to be famine ( thanks Teacher Matti ) but it takes famine to know how to act when it is plenty. Today I feel like the person that my Father, James, and my Mother, Joann, raised me to be. Today I feel like I am a Champion. So this blog is called Acts of a Champion. Last year Valley Kingdom Ministries International had a theme of the Year of Champions. ...

Acts of Passion

Good morning and Happy Friday all. As we continue in the month of Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27. As most of you who read my blogs know that the previous month, August, I did not do any blogs due to me not changing my search engine. For those of you who are not my fbf the theme of last month was Passion in August. You all may not be able to tell but I have a passion to write. As I am in school now taking courses to my degree in Human Resources Management when it comes to writing a paper I get so excited. My friend Chef Stroud gets so excited when she goes to a nice restaurant. My friend Angela Francis gets excited when she can go shoe shopping. My Mother gets excited when she sees her great grandchildren and grandchildren. As men and women of faith we all should have a passion to want to have the love of God, know that Jesus is our Savior, and that being filled with the Holy Spirit is what we want this entire month. So brought by the Holy Spirit who is fi...

Acts of Greed

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Acts In September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 I remember growing up and how greedy I was at times. My sister Glo and I ate a dozen eggs ( actually we cooked a few eggs but burnt some so had to keep fixing them until we got them right). When I smoked weed and drank alcohol I always wanted the biggest share and would never go out with any women that smoked weed or squares or drank alcohol or snorted cocaine because I wanted more for me. I was always in competition for the love of my parents from my sister Angela and wanted all the love for myself. I do not pay any tithes or much less any offering or even bless the Apostle of my church because I want it all for myself. I need the Holy Spirit so bad but he cannot take over because of my Acts of Greed. In looking up the word greed I go to my source of definitions and that is dict...

Acts in the Wind

Good morning and Happy Thursday. As we continue in the month of Acts Of September based on Acts:1:7-8, 4:29-31 and 28:25-27 and in the Year of  the Wind based on Exodus 14:21 and Acts 2:2-4 we are Champions in all aspects of our lives. Sometimes we have to go through to come out of some things. As we look all throughout the Word of God there are many men and woman that God used to get across a message. Even animals like a donkey has even received a Word from God. He has not forsaken us even now. If you are like me there is still trepidation no matter how far and how often he has brought us thru and out of some difficulties. As I write this blog I have so many things on my mind that it feels like my head could explode at any given moment. Father God I petition you right now as I attempt to teach word that you fill me with the Holy Spirit so that this teaching be what you want it to be. This blog is called Acts in the Wind. Most times in our lives we are in some kind of act. There...