Acts of Confidence.
Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we end the month of Acts of September based on Acts 1:7-8, 4:29-31 and Acts 28:25-27 there is nothing in this world that I cannot do. I have passed a math class without the aid of a book I lost a while ago and although I got a C out of the class I feel great. I have not only found a better position at my current job but I am also getting benefits next month and I found a part-time job that will make up for some of the pay cut I have taken. I have a way to finally finish my book and do my blogs in peace. I have gotten better in my writing as I take my time and go over my errors. At this time if I ran a marathon I know I would win because I am brimming with something I never thought I had. I have the Acts of Confidence. In looking up the word confidence I once again go to my source of reference and that is And the word confidence means as follows; ful...