Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind

Good morning and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in this year themed 2020 Perfect Vision this has been one of the worst starts to my year and it just does not seem to want to stop. From having a verbal disagreement with a coworker at my second job, losing my bus pass, health issues of my granny, my dad and my ex girlfriend. My barber of many years has had to move from his shop and I have no idea where he is. This morning my bank double charged me two fees which now has my account in the negative. My first job has had me off so long that the first check of the year will be short. I did not get off my second job on time which made me late for my first job. Then on my way to work while getting off the bus a intoxicated man challenged my manhood and I wanted to knock him down. And it is just the ninth day of the year. If this continues to 31st of December, Y'all Gone Make Lose My Mind!!!
I wonder why this is happening to me. I try to live right but am no means perfect. I encourage over 1100 people a day at one of the largest global financial institutions in the world. The seniors who I

sell Medicare insurance love how I take my time and explain things to them. So what did I do to deserve all of this? If things do not get better guess what. Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind.
As I go into the Word of God for this teaching of Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind I go Numbers 14:6-10. In this passage of scripture the promise land is in the reach of the people of God but only

Caleb and Joshua are willing to go forward. People wanted to stone because they were so afraid instead of trusting God. I can see Moses, Caleb and Joshua looking at the others and saying, Y'all Gone Make Lose My Mind!!!

In going back to the Word of God for this teaching of Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind I go to Joshua 7:1-6. In this passage of scripture God had told Joshua that he would defeat the people of Ai
easily. and when it did not happen Joshua was furious. God had never let him down before so he was dazed and confused. One person caused Joshua to say, Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind!!!!
As we come to end of the biblical portion of this teaching of Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind I go to Esther 4:1-14. Mordecai is upset that the king has threatened to kill all of his country men as

his niece, Queen Esther does not seem to want to help her people. Mordecai is angry that she does not want to help and he probably looked at her and said, Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind!!!
As I come to the conclusion of this teaching of Y'all Gone Make Me Lose My Mind even though things have not gotten any better for me I know that God is going to make things that much better. I do not like some of the people I work with so maybe God is trying to humble. I do not pray as much as I should so God could want me to work on my relationship with him. I have not been the best father, son, sibling, family member so God may pushing me towards the people who have unconditional love for me. I do still have two jobs. I received my MBA last year. I met the most wonderful person who keeps me grounded. And I am able continue to teach his Word through these teachings. Be on the lookout next week for another teaching from the year themed 2020 Perfect Vision. Have a fantastic weekend. 


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