Adjustments in April (Theme for the Month of April)

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new month. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we enter the 4th month and 91st day of the year 2018, to me this is the second quarter of the year. The first three months I had big goals and dreams and for whatever reasons there were I did not achieve. I wanted to lose some 20lbs by this tie and it is still a work in progress. I would have thought that I would have found a job that I would like rather than one where I had to tell people that the product they were buying may cause a tax penalty, when it actually would be a tax penalty. I would have thought I would had visited my parents by now and even that has not happened. Normally even though I did not accomplish my goals and did not find another job and did not see my parents I was cool. But there is a new person inside of me and I see in this second quarter of the year there needs to Adjustments in April.
So as I begin this teaching I want to go to for the meaning of the word adjustments. Adjustments means as follows; the act of adaptation to a particular condition, position or purpose.
In the walk of faith those who believe may have to adapt to a particular condition to reach their goal. In the walk of faith there may be times where you have to adapt to a position to see your dreams. And finally in this walk of faith you may have to adapt your purpose. Adjustments in April.
As we begin this teaching of Adjustments in April there will be two base scriptures which the first will be Jeremiah 30:1-3. When I teach on this subject it will look at how the people of God will be
have to adapt to new position as God is getting ready to make a move in their lives. We as the people of faith have to believe that your goals can be met with a Adjustment in April.
As we come into the second base scripture of the month we go to Luke 20:5-7. In these verse the rulers of the day come to Jesus with a question and now they are asked a question that they could not
answer because of public opinion. In this walk of faith there will be times where are position will be questioned. Adjustments in April.
In coming to end of the Biblical portion of this teaching I want reflect on another scripture that will be taught on this month but is not a base scripture and that is 1st Samuel 29:6-8. This teaching will
show that David even being a hero had to adapt to new condition as his enemies who befriended him do not want him around anymore. Adjustments in April.
In conclusion, in this walk of faith you have to be able to make adjustments. Like when your coworker does not like you for no reason and tries to push your buttons even as you try to turn the other cheek. Or when you have been dating someone for a while and find out that they want to move on and you are hurt and do not know what to do. People are going to try you each and every day as they think that a person of faith is soft and a punk, which is not true but they want to try you anyway. The walk of faith is like losing weight, you have to adapt to a condition in order for change to happen. The walk of faith is like being at that job that you hate but you have to put yourself in position to make the best of it. The walk of faith is purpose filled as seeing my parents is something that I have to do as much as I can while I can. I can never speak for any one else but this month I am making Adjustments in April. Have the best month ever and may God bless all who read this.


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