You Are Not My Authority

Good morning and Thankful Thursday. As we come to the end of these teachings of Marching With Determination based on Joshua 6:15-17 and Amos 7:12-15 one of the things that some of the people we come in contact with have opinions on what you and I should do with our lives. In my life I have been asked about why do I go to church because Pastor (insert any Pastors name because it is not one minister they have issues with) is taking your money and living large. Why are you with that woman who has a job, acts independent and have two children already? Why are you in school this late in life and trying to get a Masters at that? These haters, doubters, naysayers or whatever you want to call them have no desire to see you succeed and seeing you trying to accomplish anything goes against their opinion of you. We have to come to the point to let these people know is that You Are Not My Authority.
In coming into this teaching of You Are Not My Authority I want to define the word authority. I go to for the definition and it is as follows; the right to control, command or determine. We
as the people of faith have the right to control what we do in our lives. We have the right to command the things that God has promised us. And of course we have the right to determine on what direction we want our lives to be. You Are Not My Authority will be based on the second base scripture of this month, Amos 7:12-15.
In coming into the Biblical portion this teaching of You Are Not My Authority we begin Amos 7:12. In this verse we see where a priest begins to berate Amos and tells him to quit telling people what
God told him to do. The priest, Amaziah, is connected to the authority of the day, King Jeroboam, who feels that he has the right to control the messages from God. You Are Not My Authority.
As we continue in the Word of God for this teaching of You Are Not My Authority I go to Amos 7:13. In this verse we see Amaziah continue berate Amos and tells him he has no right to command
anything as he on the grounds of the king, royal ground, government property and Amos need to leave right away as he is not welcomed there. You Are Not My Authority.
As we come into the last base scriptures of this teaching of You Are Not My Authority we go to Amos 7:14-15. In this verse the prophet Amos tells Amaziah that you do not have the right to
determine what I have to say as God called me, a sheepherder and fruit laborer and told me to say what I have to say. Amaziah and Jerobaum, You Are Not My Authority.
In coming to the conclusion of this teaching of You Are Not My Authority for those who trust in God and have faith that anything he says those of the world has no power over you. Sometimes we sit in fear of those who want to see us fail and will not try or say anything. You Are Not My Authority and you have no control over if I go to church and what my spiritual leader may be doing or not. You Are Not My Authority and you cannot command me to where I can worship or pray or be that example for my sons and any youth that I come in contact with. You Are Not My Authority so you cannot determine if I am too old to be going to school or should I ever be writing these blogs at all. There is nothing that God will not do for me if I put in the work and if it means ministering to the homeless, mentoring, being encouraging or whatever God has for me to do, unless you are my Father in heaven or a believer in the Word of God, You Are Not My Authority. Marching With Determination. That is what I am talking about. I thank God for another chance to teach his Word and look forward to the month of April for new teachings. Have a great Easter holiday weekend and enjoy the rest of this month.


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