Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit)
Good afternoon and Happy Friday. As we come to the end of these teachings in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 whenever you attempt to go out of the realm of the normal people always have something to say. I remember when I was going to school to become a Sunday School teacher and one of my classmates had mentioned she was taking the course so she could begin a prison ministry. Some around the class looked around and laughed privately. This is where God has led her to go but because it is not what others wanted to do they made fun of it. As we continue to Integrate the Word of God be prepared for Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit). As I come into the body of this teaching I want to begin by defining the word criticism. I go to my source of definitions and that is Criticism means as follows; the act of passing severe judgment. As we continue to spread the gospel in non-traditional way, there ar...