
Showing posts from July, 2015

Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit)

Good afternoon and Happy Friday. As we come to the end of these teachings in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 whenever you attempt to go out of the realm of the normal people always have something to say. I remember when I was going to school to become a Sunday School teacher and one of my classmates had mentioned she was taking the course so she could begin a prison ministry. Some around the class looked around and laughed privately. This is where God has led her to go but because it is not what others wanted to do they made fun of it. As we continue to Integrate the Word of God be prepared for Criticism Awaits (Integration of Holy Spirit). As I come into the body of this teaching I want to begin by defining the word criticism. I go to my source of definitions and that is Criticism means as follows; the act of  passing severe judgment. As we continue to spread the gospel in non-traditional way, there ar...

Give God 110%

Good evening and Wonderful Wednesday. Brand new week, Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Integrate in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17, each month I do a teaching that is not aligned with the theme of the month and this is this month's teaching. Most times I am posting on Mondays and even doing a posting for the Rhema Word 2.0. But lately I have been overwhelmed by so many things that I could not even think about teaching. If it was not school issues in getting behind on my assignments, it has been relationship issues and if not then it has been job issues. Just when I thought that I did not want or have the time to teach this blog again God came into my life and fixed it all. I need to step my game up and Give God 110%. We as people in general tend to give more that 110% when there is an importance attached to something. When we know that if we make that sale we will get that bonus we ha...

Illegal Activities

Good afternoon and Happy Saturday. As we continue these teachings in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 in my younger days I would participate in things that may not have been right, I would shake the dice  hoping for a 7 or 11 or try to hit my point so that I could take money from opponent(s). I would participate in bullying. I would even try my hand at selling drugs but being a user that did not work. All these things were Illegal Activities in the eyes of the law. We as a people of God have to come out of some of the older practices that once worked and into the newness that is Christ. We have to discontinue being involved in Illegal Activities As we come into the body of this teaching there are things happening in the world that makes it seem Illegal Activities are okay. We focus on illegal immigration for those crossing the border but there  are some living here on expired visas. We celebrate the places ...

It's Up To You ( To Integrate)

Good evening. Brnd new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17, there are some of us who have jobs and are part of teams. The function of the team is to work together to come up with a successful solution to a problem. Now when managers puts together the team he is only function is to implement or sign off on the plan the team comes up with. As members of the Body of Christ Jesus has implemented a way for us to make the world better. Now we have to go to work. It's Up To Us (To Integrate). You see when Jesus came to save the lost souls and that was his mission. He came and was persecuted, called every name in the book and even was denied by those who saw the miracles that he constantly did. His death allowed us all to come into things such as eternal life, unlimited blessings and healing. His mission is our mission and that is to save...

At Least It Was Offered

Good afternoon and Happy Friday. As we continue in the month of Integration of July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 when I was younger I was offered a lot of things. If I did good in school my parents offered to buy me whatever I wanted. While in school my teachers offered me and education if I listened to them. If I got a job I would have income to do things on my own with. But the best thing that was offered to me was the chance to be with the Body of Christ. Today I offer you a chance to accept Jesus as personal savior. That's all some people need. At Least It Was Offered. You see we as the Body of Christ have gotten away from telling the good news of Christ. About how he is a healer in situations that seem impossible to heal. How he makes a way out of no way. How he steps in when there are things such as foreclosures, marriage issues, problems with your children, unemployment and a myriad of other things. People in the world need to know about Chr...

Integration Needs to Begin Within

Good afternoon and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Integrate in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 when the neighborhoods in Chicago began to become integrated most of the time it was met with hatred and violence. Not that any minority who moved in these neighborhoods had done something to the people who were already there, it was just conditioned in the hearts of those already in the neighborhoods to hate and to show their hate by any means necessary. Some members of the Body of Christ have some things in their hearts that does not allow them to be a vessel for the Body of Christ. There are some that still have Integration Needs to Begin Within. Some of us have what is akin to having idols within us. We cannot put down the idol of jealousy of other people doing better than us. We cannot put away the idol of gambling away because it helps us supplement ou...

Afraid of Going Into New Territory

Good morning and Thankful Thursday. Brand new week. As we continue in the month of Integration in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17 in the wild kingdom the male lion is basically the person who most other animals avoid and respect. He or them, at times there are more than two, are responsible for their female lions and cubs, called a pride, and the territory they all live in. Most times these areas are near water and the best feeding grounds. In order for other adult male lions to come into these territories they have to come in prepared to fight. In order to Integrate the Word of God to others we have to go into places where there is no comfort zone. But there are some that are Afraid of Going Into New Territory. I live in Chicago where there have 12,000 shooting incidents since the year 2010. The nation as a whole is still dealing with aspects of racism and there is still the Boko Haram that is terrorizing  Africa. So there is a need  for th...

Root Cause Analysis ( Our Father Has Given Us A Root)

Good morning and Marvelous Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the Year of Our Father based on Isaiah 64:7-9, Luke 11:2-4 and 1st John 3:1-3, and the month of Integrate in July based on Isaiah 11:10-12, John 7:6-8 and Acts 11:15-17, I happen to work in a building that has great business minds. In order to be successful they just do not focus on what they do well, they focus on issues that are not doing well. When things are not doing well theses business people do what is called a Root Cause Analysis to get to the reasons for the problem and to provide a lasting solution. As members of the Body of Christ we are supposed to be expanding the kingdom to all that who do not have a relationship with God, but it seems we are lacking in this area so let's do a Root Cause Analysis. In order to begin this teaching properly I must define the phrase root cause. It means as follows; the most basic causes that can be ...

Integration in July (Theme For the Month)

Good morning and Wonderful Wednesday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we begin the second half of the year 2015 on the 162nd day I happen to be in unique situation. I used to do security for a company that had the number frozen breakfast sandwiches in America. They were bought by a company that is the largest chicken producer in the world. Once the acquisition was complete the company that was a national player had to merge with the company that was a global player. The process involved is called Integration. We as the people of God have a responsibility to not spread the gospel to some but to everyone. We come into the second half of the year looking for Integration in July. As we come into this teaching of Integration in July I want to define the Word integration and I go to my source of definitions and that is Looking at the root word integrate it means as follows; to bring together into a whole; to combin...