A Mother's Faith
Good afternoon. As I do my last blog of the month of Mothers in May based on Genesis 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 I want to tell you a story about the Mothers whom I grew with. They had faith in God. It was no wavering or straddling the fence or maybes, they knew that in God there was no failure. See at times others around them could have made them falter but they remained strong. And if God told them to do something they did it. Rather than question or not move forward they did what was required of them. And when you place your faith in God there is nothing in this world that will stop you from getting all that he has for you but your family as well. A Mother's Faith.
That does not mean that there were no trying times. My Aunt Fan lost her daughter Gerry and it was hard for the family but much harder for her as it was for other members of our family. When Reverend Patton passed
away, the former Pastor of Second Mt. Vernon M.B. Church in Chicago, it had to be hard on his wife Mrs. Emma Patton. But these women dd not question God and continued to keep the faith. This teaching will come from the last base scripture of the month, Luke 1:28-33.
In looking at a Mother's Faith in the Word of God I start in Luke 1:28-29. In these two verses an angel appears to Mary and tells her the awesome assignment she has. She was troubled because she knew not
who was talking to her. Mothers may not initially know the voice that is talking to them so they are very careful before they act in a manner that may not be of God. But once they discern the voice the Mothers Faith comes about.
In looking at the next example of a Mother's Faith I go to Luke 1:30-31. In these verses the angel tells Mary of her great assignment, being chosen as the Mother of Jesus. A Mother's Faith at times need to reaffirmed by
words or actions by God or by the Holy Spirit. Seeing that once God has told them things in the past that came to pass in the future a Mother will abide by his what God says. A Mother's Faith.
In looking at the last example of a Mothers Faith I go to Luke 1:32-33. In these passages Mary is told of what she is blessed to be. A Mother's Faith can see what God has for her child or others she is connected
with. A Mother who has faith knows that despite the pitfalls their son or daughter or niece or nephew that God has shown them the finished product and will fight to see that they make it there. A Mother's Faith.
In closing a Mother's Faith has brought many of us to where we are today. If you were that great child and listened to your Mom then the faith that she has or had in you was rewarded. If you were not that great child and fell by the wayside and returned back to God then her faith was rewarded. And if you are not there yet and still doing things not of God a Mother's Faith will still be there because of her connection to God and she knows that one day her faith will be rewarded. My Grandma always tells me that everything will be alright. That is a Mother's Faith. May God bless any and all who read this and I give him all the glory and honor for this teaching. I thank him for allowing me to provide these teachings on Mothers In May. Please join me Monday for the theme for June. Have a great weekend and great job this month all.
away, the former Pastor of Second Mt. Vernon M.B. Church in Chicago, it had to be hard on his wife Mrs. Emma Patton. But these women dd not question God and continued to keep the faith. This teaching will come from the last base scripture of the month, Luke 1:28-33.
who was talking to her. Mothers may not initially know the voice that is talking to them so they are very careful before they act in a manner that may not be of God. But once they discern the voice the Mothers Faith comes about.
with. A Mother who has faith knows that despite the pitfalls their son or daughter or niece or nephew that God has shown them the finished product and will fight to see that they make it there. A Mother's Faith.
In closing a Mother's Faith has brought many of us to where we are today. If you were that great child and listened to your Mom then the faith that she has or had in you was rewarded. If you were not that great child and fell by the wayside and returned back to God then her faith was rewarded. And if you are not there yet and still doing things not of God a Mother's Faith will still be there because of her connection to God and she knows that one day her faith will be rewarded. My Grandma always tells me that everything will be alright. That is a Mother's Faith. May God bless any and all who read this and I give him all the glory and honor for this teaching. I thank him for allowing me to provide these teachings on Mothers In May. Please join me Monday for the theme for June. Have a great weekend and great job this month all.
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