To Be Or Not to Be (A Christian)
Good morning and Marvelous Monday. As we come to the final blog teaching in the month of Reflection and Projection in December based on Psalms 121:1-6, Philippians 1:19-23 and 2nd Timothy 4:6-8 as a teacher of the word of God I at times struggle with things. I am going to school and graduating from college is important to me. I am working one full-time job that at times is demanding dealing with the attitudes of some people and then seeing others whom I respect and admire being let go of constantly. I work a part-time job and see that my great customer service skills are not being recognized and it seems as they use me as they see fit. I am still not in communication with my sons, whom I love which also means I am not seeing my grandchildren. Writing these blogs for myself and even for the church is time consuming and giving a brief teaching on Facebook daily is becoming a pain. It seems like I am at a crossroads of To Be Or Not To Be ( A Christian). To Be Or Not To Be is a quote ...