Boom There It Is.

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Boom In December based on Deuteronomy 17:19-20, Habakkuk 2:3 and John 10:9-10 I have a tendency to lose things. Even though I have not done so in a while I will misplace things in a heartbeat as much as I try not to. It may be of monetary value ( just lost a two five dollar bills in a two day span ) or it may be in time  ( because I work two jobs and getting to the final weeks of class I sometimes cannot remember what day it is ) or I may lose sleep ( over worrying about something ). In each of these cases there are times when what I lost I found it or the time I have lost I have it given back or the things I was worried about has been solved. Each tine after finding what was lost I immediately exclaimed to myself. Boom There It Is. During this month we a people of faith are going to find some things we thought was lost and then say Boom There It Is.

In looking at the definition of the key word there I go to and see there means as follows; at that point in an action: in that matter or respect, and to that place. Looking at the Word of God many times
we see situations of Boom There It Is. In Numbers 11:31-32 at that point of action quails appeared to feed the hungry. In Daniel 3: 25  we in that matter of respect as the Son of God is seen. And in John 6:9-14 we see where to place occurred as Jesus fed five thousand. In the next three paragraphs I will focus on one man's Boom There It Is moments from the Word Of God.
In looking at the story of one man in the Word of God who presents a great example of Boom There It Is I go the 1st Kings 17:2-7. We see where Elijah has been issued an assignment. It is an assignment that we as
believers and non believers would shy away from. But at that point of action Elijah obeyed what God told him to do. Many of us are at that point of action to effect change in the area of business and education but are wondering how we are going to get fed. Boom There It Is in the passage of teaching I just shared.

In looking at the next example of Boom There It is I go to 1st Kings 18:36-39. In this passage after trying in vain to have their idol gods light a fire to have their sacrificed accepted Elijah in a matter of respect called on

God to show the people his awesome power. There are so many people with gifts in the arts and entertainment world, social media and religion who tend to forget that if you give God his respect he will have Boom There It Is opening for you.
In looking the last example in the Word of God for Boom There It Is I go 1st Kings 18:41-46. In this passage Elijah after proving that God is the one and only is able to take Ahab to that place. So many of us
 are so ready to effect change in the family structure and in the government. God is ready for you to make it happen but you have to take it to that place. Boom There It Is can be if you go to that place where God has for you.
In closing there are so many things that we can do to change areas that not only the people of God can excel in but those who we need to see that God is real. Boom There It Is, you can open up that play or television show. Boom There It Is, you can have a successful faith based business. Boom There It Is, you can have the next hot social media website or seek ways to make religion not so rigid and seek ways to bring in new souls. Boom There It Is you can have family themed night with your entire family, or get involved in government by starting a campaign to have your elected officials come to see about your concerns. Boom There It Is you can open up your own schools and teach on the principles of God. I give God all the glory for this teaching and may he blesses all who read this. Happy bday to all my sister Angela, my cousin Joe, and to all who I did not mention. Please join me for my next blog called I Want To Part of that Team, Have a great week all.


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