It Shall Happen Anyway

Good morning and Happy Monday. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of It Shall in October based on Joshua 8:1-2, Zechariah 2:8-9 and Luke 1:30-33 I can think of the year of 1995-1996 when the Chicago Bulls went on to have the best record in NBA history. Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman and Toni Kukoc plus the rest of the team comprised a record of 72-10. They lost to Orlando, Seattle, Denver, Phoenix ( back to back games ) Miami, New York, Toronto, Charlotte and Indiana ( twice ). These teams when they beat the Bulls it was if they had won the championship but it was still the regular season. The Bulls went on to win the championship as well that year. We as people of faith have God on our side and should always feel like winners even in small defeats because we will win in the end. It Shall Happen Anyway.
In looking up the key words of this blog of It Shall Happen Anyway I go to and look up the words happen and anyway. Happen means as follows; to take place, come to pass, occur. And
 anyway means as follows; in any case, nonetheless and regardless. As we the people of faith move into the areas of social media and arts and entertainment some things are going to take place in any case even if he world is not ready. In the areas of religion, family and business God is giving us some ideas that are about to come to pass nonetheless to change the world. And in the areas of education and government things are going to occur regardless whether the world approves or not. It Shall Happen Anyway. In the next three paragraphs I will expound on this coming from chapters preceding the 1st base scripture and end with the base scripture Joshua 8:1-2.
In looking at the first passage in the Word of God I want to use for It Shall Happen Anyway I go to Joshua 7:1-9. Because of one man's sin the people of God could not defeat an army and possess the
 land promised them. As Joshua and the people cry out about the sin of one man they had forgotten that they serve a God that allow things to take place in any case. Their destiny was just placed off track for a moment. But It Shall Happen Anyway.

In the  next passage in the Word of God dealing with It Shall Happen Anyway I go to Joshua 7:19-26. We see where the progress has been stopped by one person and his greed, Achan. He wanted to have
things that he did not have but should have been aware that he serves a God that will have things come to pass nonetheless. The land has been promised to the people by God and It Shall Happen Anyway.

In looking at the last example of It Shall Happen Anyway I go to our base scripture which is Joshua 8:1-2. The people have now gotten the command that not only tells them not to be afraid but to also
 gives them a plan to how to defeat the people of Ai by laying an ambush. The promises was already made and the conquest of Ai was to occur regardless because the people of God believed in his promises. It Shall Happen Anyway.
 In closing there is no way that God ever goes back on his promises ( Numbers 23:19-20, Titus 1:2-3 and Hebrews 6:18) so we just have to know that It Shall Happen Anyways. Our dreams of being successful in arts and entertainment and social media are going to take place in any case because of our faith and despite someone trying to mess up our dreams. Our goals of changing the way religion, family and business is going come to pass nonetheless if someone attempts to sabotage them. And we all shall be active in changing the way the areas of education educates and the way the government governs because God has promised it and change is going to occur regardless. It Shall Happen Anyway. Trust that. I give God all the glory and honor for this teaching as I allow him to use you. Please check Valley Kingdom Ministries International Rhema Word blog for additional teachings by myself and others. Once again I thank Minister Kimberly Baker, Elder Della Major, The late great Fred McCoy, Ms. Brenda Tolar, Pastor Ayoman and Elder Roberta Coleman ( the Mother of Brand New Week. Brand New Attitude ) for being spirit filled and led. Please join me Friday for my next blog called I Shall Be The Apple of Your Eye based on Zechariah 2:8-9 our second based scripture. And I want thank all the people who read my blog internationally especially those in the Ukraine. Blessings to you all.


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