It's Up to You and Me In The Wind

Good morning and Happy Saturday. As we continue in Year of the Wind based on Exodus 14:21 and Acts 2:2-4 I and in the month of It's Up to You/Me In July based on Numbers 12:1-2, 2nd Kings 7:1-2 and Acts 3:13-14  I want to explain to some of you who the man in the picture is who may not know him. His birthday was July 9th and while I was going through my moment I had forgotten to wish him a Happy Birthday on this particular medium. My Father James Wesley has been with me know matter what I have done or may have done to me. When my own children has gone to him with complaints or attempted to talk down on me he always defends me saying I am his son. I have never not needed anything as a child or even as an adult. He has lent me money that I have never paid back. He has done so much for me and I love him with all of my heart. See at times I thought I could not make it and wanted to give up and let it all go. But my Father James Wesley has been there every step of the way. He may as well had told me that It' Up to You/Me in the Wind.
Most times we go through life wanting to do things alone which is fine. At times God calls for us to have that personal time or even that personal ministry. The Word teaches us so many things about doing things with
another. Deuteronomy 32:30 and Luke 9:1-2 gives examples of that. In order to make a difference in the areas of business, arts and entertainment, family, religion, government, social media and education It's Up to You/Me to go into the winds of resistance to make a change. In the next three paragraphs I will give examples in the Word of this.

In looking at my first example of It's Up to You/Me in the Wind I go to 2nd Kings 2:9-11. In this passage in order for Elisha to not only be blessed by Elijah but doubly was to be around him when the whirlwind was
to come. In business and in arts and entertainment It' Up to You and Me to support the people of faith who are trying to make in this area especially when the winds of doubt and lack of funds coming in may sway their assignment that God has given them.

In the second passage in the Word of It's Up to You/Me in the Wind I go to Job 1:19-20. There is one man who has escaped from the great wind to tell Job exactly what happened. The man could have given up and
gone the other way but he came to give Job the news despite what it may do to Job. There are so many of us who look down at our families or see religion as being restrictive or afraid to do anything faith based in government. It's Up to You and Me to be there for them and to help them when the winds of change scares some folk.

In looking at my last example in the Word of God of It's Up to You/Me in the Wind I go to Matthew 3:13-16. In this passage Jesus had the power already from God to be able to do anything else but he had to be
baptized by the man who prepared the way for him, John the Baptist. There are some of us who want to be in social media but are not confident in what God has for us to do. There are those who are in education who cannot see what we are teaching is reaching anyone. It's Up to You and Me to encourage others when there are in a wind that seems to never let up.
In closing I can lift up a piece of wood by myself but I can lift up a bigger piece of wood if I had some help from another person of faith. This world is not waiting to for us to catch up with them so we have to catch up with them. It is a right now generation so we have to come up with strategies to reach them. But I know we can make it happen. It's Up to You and Me to help those in the Wind. I give all the glory and honor for this teaching. Have a great weekend all.


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