Year of The Wind
GM and Happy New Year all. Brand New Year. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we start out the year 2013 we transition from the year 2012. 2012 was the year of This is Our/Your Year and we did things to celebrate our accomplishments. But this year is a year of change. This year we need to have something to divide things so we can travel through to the other side. We need to have a control as the gift we are given may have to be calmed. We also have something that when it comes rushing in it takes over the whole area and changes the atmosphere. So I asked God what would be something that I could share with the people in America but also my readers in Russia, Brazil, Ukraine, Canada, the U.K.. Denmark and Germany. What can the people have to know that God is still present, that Jesus is died for our sins and rose again, and that the Holy Spirit is within all of us in matter where you stay. So this year as we become like the wind. This is the Year of the Wind. We blow hard.
So as I get into this blog I want to go get some definitions of the what the word actually means. In doing so I go to my source of of defining words. That would be The word wind means the following;
air in natural motion as that moving at any velocity along the earth's surface; a gale, storm, hurricane; a stream of air that is produced by a bellow or a fan. So as we as a people of faith continue to press forward in the new year we have to be able to move along the earth's surface, no matter what city, state, country or continent you are living in. Sometimes we have to be able to be that gale, that storm and that hurricane but to be able to calm it as well. Then we as people of faith have to be that stream of air that acts like a fan or bellows the Word of God to others who may not know When the wind blows it changes the way the weather is. I am going to use three examples, which are going to be the three base scriptures for the entire year to show what happens as the wind changes things.
As I go to the Word of God I use as my first example of the wind moving along the earth's surface at any velocity I go to the Exodus 14:21. If any scripture that can be used as a base scripture for the Year of the
Wind this has to be one. You see the people of God were freed but their oppressors were coming aggressively to come back to make them slaves once again. But God had promised his people that he had something better for them such as freedom. We as God's people have to realize that if God has promised us freedom from issues, distractions or problems he will provide a wind to divide the waters so you can cross over into his freedom he has for you. We must also be a wind that can help others cross over to the other side and see the promises that God has promised us all.
In my second base scripture for the Year of the Wind I go to Matthew 24:30-31. In this passage Jesus answers the question asked by his disciples in Matthew 24:3. Even those who knew and even saw all of the
miracles that Jesus did they wanted to know how they would know when Jesus was coming back. In being people of faith we have a assignment to prepare our yourselves for the time that Jesus is coming back. We must show the world that we can be a gale at times, a storm at times and even a hurricane to proclaim the works that Jesus has done in our lives. We must tell others of our blessings, our healing's, our breakthroughs so they can be ready as well when Jesus returns. We cannot allow the ways of the world have us not ready for when Jesus returns. When you are as if you are the wind you become a testimony for Jesus. We have to be a wind of change to those who do not know Jesus. This is the Year of The Wind.
So as I get into this blog I want to go get some definitions of the what the word actually means. In doing so I go to my source of of defining words. That would be The word wind means the following;
air in natural motion as that moving at any velocity along the earth's surface; a gale, storm, hurricane; a stream of air that is produced by a bellow or a fan. So as we as a people of faith continue to press forward in the new year we have to be able to move along the earth's surface, no matter what city, state, country or continent you are living in. Sometimes we have to be able to be that gale, that storm and that hurricane but to be able to calm it as well. Then we as people of faith have to be that stream of air that acts like a fan or bellows the Word of God to others who may not know When the wind blows it changes the way the weather is. I am going to use three examples, which are going to be the three base scriptures for the entire year to show what happens as the wind changes things.
As I go to the Word of God I use as my first example of the wind moving along the earth's surface at any velocity I go to the Exodus 14:21. If any scripture that can be used as a base scripture for the Year of the
Wind this has to be one. You see the people of God were freed but their oppressors were coming aggressively to come back to make them slaves once again. But God had promised his people that he had something better for them such as freedom. We as God's people have to realize that if God has promised us freedom from issues, distractions or problems he will provide a wind to divide the waters so you can cross over into his freedom he has for you. We must also be a wind that can help others cross over to the other side and see the promises that God has promised us all.
In my second base scripture for the Year of the Wind I go to Matthew 24:30-31. In this passage Jesus answers the question asked by his disciples in Matthew 24:3. Even those who knew and even saw all of the
miracles that Jesus did they wanted to know how they would know when Jesus was coming back. In being people of faith we have a assignment to prepare our yourselves for the time that Jesus is coming back. We must show the world that we can be a gale at times, a storm at times and even a hurricane to proclaim the works that Jesus has done in our lives. We must tell others of our blessings, our healing's, our breakthroughs so they can be ready as well when Jesus returns. We cannot allow the ways of the world have us not ready for when Jesus returns. When you are as if you are the wind you become a testimony for Jesus. We have to be a wind of change to those who do not know Jesus. This is the Year of The Wind.
In my last last base scripture for the Year of the Wind I go to the Acts 2:2-4. In this passage we see where people are gathered from all over and they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine how great a day
that was when the Holy Spirit descended upon every nation of the world. This can happen today as the way we communicate is changing. We can be that fan or bellows that produces a stream of air that the unbelievers need. It is not just for us to have the Word of God and keep it for ourselves. We need to come like a rushing wind where others would be asking the question they asked in Acts 2:12, what does this mean? We have a responsibility to tell others what it means to have the Holy Spirit inside us. Actually when the Holy Spirit is inside of you it cannot be mistaken because all of your actions are going to expose his presence. This is the Year of the Wind.
In closing we must be that wind that blows hard and constant each and every day. We must be that breeze that changes the world and things of the world that has been taken away from the people of God. We must be a wind in the areas of arts and entertainment, social media, family, business, religion, government and education. When the winds of change hits these areas the way the world sees the people of faith is going to be different. This is the Year of the Wind. Have a great year. I am on Facebook as Frederick Wesley. I am on twitter @brandnewweek. I am a writer for I also on blog talk radio doing a show called Brand New Week, Brand New Attitude. To God be the Glory. Join me for my next blog when I have my theme for January.
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