
Showing posts from May, 2014

A Mother's Faith

Good afternoon. As I do my last blog of the month of Mothers in May based on Genesis 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 I want to tell you a story about the Mothers whom I grew with. They had faith in God. It was no wavering or straddling the fence or maybes, they knew that in God there was no failure. See at times others around  them could have made them falter but they remained strong. And if God told them to do something they did it. Rather than question or not move forward they did what was required of them. And when you place your faith in God there is nothing in this world that will stop you from getting all that he has for you but your family as well. A Mother's Faith. That does not mean that there were no trying times. My Aunt Fan lost her daughter Gerry and it was hard for the family but much harder for her as it was for other members of our family. When Reverend Patton passed away, the former Pastor of Second Mt. Vernon M.B. Church in Chicago, it had to ...

A Mother Is Gonna Work It Out

Good afternoon and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of Mothers In May based on Genesis 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 I want describe a situation my family went through in the early 1970's. I do not know the situation or even why but at one point in my life my parents needed government assistance. It could have been that one of my parents were laid off but I remember going to Oak Food, the local grocery store at the time with a book of food stamps. At the time my sister nor myself could comprehend the situation but knew having food stamps was akin to being poor. To my Mother it meant that she would be able to feed us both. See when push comes to shove Mothers Are Gonna Work It Out. When you are placed in a situation where all else fails Mothers place their trust in God. Some situations they have to rely on government assistance not because they want to but because of things happening that forces them into these situations. It could not have been ...

Becoming a Mother

Good evening. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. As we continue in the month of Mothers in May based on Exodus 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 sometimes a Mother has to do more than is required. For instance due to the breakup of me and the Mother of my sons it placed not only on my Mom but my Grandma and sister in a position that they could not had been ready for. See the Mother of my sons began to have health issues and the person whom I was living with could not take in my children as well. So it was my Mother who came in as in a sense became their Mother. In looking at the world today there a many ways to Become a Mother. We live in an age where more people under the age of 16 are in a situation where they have become a Mother. For some it is not as simple as having the child and still living at home. They have no idea or plan and it places them in positions where they are starting behind so to speak. They are not...

Be Silent Your Breakthrough is Coming

Good afternoon. Brand new week. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. As we continue in the month of Mothers in May based on Genesis 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 each month I do a blog that is not dealing with the theme of the month and this month is no different. As I look back on the halfway point of this month I see where I could not had a worse 15 days. I lost my schoolbook, I have been sick, I have not done as good as I would have wanted to in one class and my friend Ms. Stroud and I seem to be in a war zone. I could cry but when I got home last night there was a blessing waiting for me. By not doing nothing God saw and blessed. Be Silent Your Breakthrough is Coming. You see most times things are going great for me. I made the deans list again. I have a greater relationship with my parents. I am still pulling an A in that class that is giving me trouble. But it seems when trouble comes I want to blame God or others. Why am I not married. Why are my sons...

Mothers In Trust

Good morning and Thankful Thursday. As we continue in the month of Mothers In May based on Genesis 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 I had a talk with my Mother and she told me that when I was able to stay out past 10:00pm at first she used to be up at night waiting for me to come home. She was concerned that the streets, which they often do, would swallow me up and I may not come home. This was shocking to me because I never knew that she had done this. She also told me that one day she decided that there would be no more sleepless nights for her. It was not that I stopped staying out. It was because she placed it in Gods hands. My Mom is a Mother In Trust. It could  not have been easy for my Mother to let go and let God. I was already in the midst of being a problem child by being disobedient and doing what I could to buck the system. There were rules that I had abide by and I did them just enough so I could not hear her screaming at me or throwing things at me...

Mothers In A Healing

Good evening. Brand new eek. Brand new attitude. The past is the past. The future is unlimited. Each month I combine the theme of the month and the theme of the year to compose a blog. This month is Mothers In May based Genesis 21:14-21, 2nd Kings 4:18-23 and Luke 1:28-33 and the base scriptures for the Year Of Healing is Jeremiah 33:6-8, Matthew 9:6-8, and Acts 28:7-9. In 1980 a woman in California named Candice Lightner suffered a loss that no Mother should have to go through. She lost her daughter who was 13 years old to a drunk driver who had a DUI before and also hit Cari and left the scene. This caused Candice to come up with a organization to fight against drunk driving called Mothers Against Drunk Driving, This is an example of Mothers In a Healing. Mothers of today are involved in many other things to male sure changes are made in how things are done. Mothers are forming groups that are intent of stopping the drug epidemic, the advent of gun violence and the issues of...